Citizenship Interview: Decision Can not be made. IO asked why did I leave sponsoring citizen wife.

@getting a good experienced immigration attorney !

I learned harder way in my divorce battle that you must rather do not have any attorney then getting a cheap shot. I finally agreed with the dialogue in the famous movie Shawashank Redemption: when an inmate was asked why he is in jail and he replied, " I didn't do anything, lawyer f**k me up".

So, I need a good attorney. Question is, can any attorney from other state help me? Is it a good idea to get any attorney out of state ? Is there any place or link where I can find good rated attorney with reviews. I am ready to pay for the review even. I live in Phx and I really do not appreciate the Phx listing comes on google or yahoo or even Hardly any lawyer with" immigration specialty" or" immigration only" profile or more than 10 yrs experience or so on,.... Can you recommend any source for me. Again, I will highly appreciate your time and effort.
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@getting a good experienced immigration attorney !

I learned harder way in my divorce battle that you must rather do not have any attorney then getting a cheap shot. I finally agreed with the dialogue in the famous movie Shawashank Redemption: when an inmate was asked why he is in jail and he replied, " I didn't do anything, lawyer f**k me up".

So, I need a good attorney. Question is, can any attorney from other state help me? Is it a good idea to get any attorney out of state ? Is there any place or link where I can find good rated attorney with reviews. I am ready to pay for the review even. I live in Phx and I really do not appreciate the Phx listing comes on google or yahoo or even Hardly any lawyer with" immigration specialty" or" immigration only" profile or more than 10 yrs experience or so on,.... Can you recommend any source for me. Again, I will highly appreciate your time and effort.

Generally, lawyers affiliated with the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) are pretty good. You can do a search at AILA's website:
How can I find experienced attorney with success story, reviews from real customer or peer reviewd listing. Google, yahoo, and did not show good options for my state or city (phx/az) ?

Can you suggest any paid site where I can pay to read review ?
Can a out of state attorney help me in fighting for me for naturalization case ? Is it a good idea to hire out of state attorney.

Please Help !!!
Don't know too well about this issue. But how can USCIS judge if the marriage is bona (the length of it, or the purpose of the marriage). I mean is there any clear ealines or laws define that?
I have a freind who dated with his ex-wife for 8 years, right after half of marriage, they devorced. Can you see that marriage was not real?
Marriage is very complicated issue, For USCIS to deny your case, I believe that they should have handy evidence to prove. Even if USCIS wants to hand your case to immigration judge, they should have something to show in the court.
Some people married for money, or even GC, but so what?! if we can judge that easily, why did judge approve the marriage at the first place?!
we see lots of 20's girls married 80's old, for real LOVE?!
I (personally) think, u just need to wait for the outcome. Don't panic...
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How can I find experienced attorney with success story, reviews from real customer or peer reviewd listing. Google, yahoo, and did not show good options for my state or city (phx/az) ?

Can you suggest any paid site where I can pay to read review ?

You are asking for way too much. As far as I know, sites of the type you want simply do not exist.

As I said, AILA's lawyers are generally pretty good. Before engaging a specific lawyer you can do some google-searching for that lawyer's name and see if anything useful comes up. You can also ask that lawyer directly if they have experience in handling complicated marriage-based GC/naturalization cases and what kind of experience they have in that area.

Can a out of state attorney help me in fighting for me for naturalization case ? Is it a good idea to hire out of state attorney.

Technically you can use any lawyer, including an out-of-state lawyer. For an initial consultation over the phone it would not make much difference if the lawyer is in- or out-of-state. If the worst comes to worst and you are faced with actual denial, it's probably better to get an in-state lawyer because face-to-face meetings and actual court appearances by that lawyer may become necessary. You are an adult and ultimately these kinds of decisions are up to you.

For the moment I think no more than an initial phone consultation is advisable, and then you just have to wait and see what the decision is. With luck you'll just get an oath letter (in my opinion that is the most likely outcome), and then the lawyer issue will become moot.
As theory611 said, don't panic.
To All of you guys,

Thnx so much 4 sharing your insight & wisdom . Agree, worried 2 much. Not panicking, but fearful first time n my life. Numerous occasions, it seemed the world was collapsing in front of me since I was 8th grader . I never been in panic. 2 give you perspective, I walked through hills & jungles, was being ambushed at night. Did not panic, I had courage, confidence & faith. I still have faith but it seems that I am getting little destabilized at this time. My head is still really cool.

I want to fight "The Last Battle" in my life if the outcome is really bad. For that, I am weighing every possible options & trying to take the best preparation.

Rest depend on GOD and I am asking his blessing.

You people are like angel to me and I don't have appropriate word to thank you. God Bless you all !
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I want to fight "The Last Battle" in my life if the outcome is really bad. For that, I am weighing every possible options & trying to take the best preparation.

Going beyond non-lawyerly immigration advice ... There is no last battle in life. There is an issue to be managed. You need to learn all the options. You need to learn the pros and cons. You need to ask your heart what you will do if worst came to pass. After thinking and choosing the best options ... a) you need to prepare yourself to handle the worst, and b) you need to mechanically execute all the steps per your plan ... without getting into a regret game over and over. Of course you need to be nimble to change course if needed, but the driving factor should be a list of things to be done or evaluated rather than your brain or heart. No wonder Schindler became so popular because of a list. The list ... of things to do ... is the ....only way to go. But be sure, there will be a next battle in the next 1 year, and learning the process of managing issues will help more than resolving the issue itself.
@Last Battle,....

Too tired fighting this life since I was a kid. Walkin through the dark tunnel, just saw a beam of light, don't know wheather its end of the tunnel or a train is coming from opposite direction !

@sanjose, ... good points. will b helpful indeed.
Got the Oath Ceremony and finally became naturalized citizen.

Yes, finally I got invitation for oath ceremony and attend the ceremony and became a naturalized citizen. On the ceremonial day, while every 1 was celebrating the happy occasion, I was still could not of brush off my fear. Anyway, thank God. Really God help me in such a dire situation. I also appreciate your time and valuable suggestions.