Citizenship Interview /A decision cannot be made at this time.


Registered Users (C)
After my interview , I got this result describing that I passed the English & history test , but
"A decision cannot be made at this time"

Anyone has any idea waht it means"A decision cannot be made at this time."
And how long it takes for OATH ceremony??

Everyone welcome to comment about this matter.
Thank you in advance

Decision Can Not Be Made: Question about being devorced

Same situation here, if somebody can answer:

Interview Questions:

Can you please help me what might happen:
1. Are they going to approve my application or is there any chances of approval.
2. What can I do if denied.
3. Do I loose status (PLR) if denied.

IO asked several times following questions several times:
1. Why I did not live with my sponsoring wife more than 10 months.
2. Our marriage life was only 10 months in real sesne.

2002: Married.
2006: Arrived usa (February) on marriage based visa.
2006: Left the home (wife and family forced me to move) though wife pretended go to your bro place finish your school and come back. In the mean time, we will visit each other. Long story, trust me, I was forced to move out.
2008: Wife filed for divorce.
2010: Divorce finalized.