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  1. M


    I also have the feeling that one of our will get a winning letter in the next week or will report that one of our friends or families got one. :) Let's sit down to see who is the lucky winner. ;)
  2. M


    Mustafa, please go through DV Lottery Blog web site and register your blog. my blog is
  3. M


    I know multiple Iranian families went to the United States of America through petition (sponsorship). I have more than 20 Iranian close friends in Uncle SAM who are studing their Graduate degrees. I'm completely familiar with New York, Houston, Las Vegas and Los Angeles. I hope you, me and...
  4. M


    Good try man :)
  5. M


    Yes, I'm agree with gasper2000 It will come a day that we do not know.
  6. M


    I had lots of missions from my company to come to Dubai. No, It's my 2nd time. I'm married and I have 2 chances :) What about you?
  7. M


    I'm glad to see you're from Azerbaijan :) Do you know Aysel ? ;) I love her show with Arash :) What's your status in DV Lottery? Did you ever win? How many times do you participate in?
  8. M


    r u Iranian? Yes, of course, I know couple of people have received their letters in Tehran. I have the scan of a winning letter with "April 28, 2009" date on it which his owner received it on "May 18, 2009" in Tehran.
  9. M


    1) Iran 2) You are connected from an Internet connection which does not send its IP address or send 'unknown' as IP address. 3) The web site is for a US company and hosted in Arizona.
  10. M


    1) Iran 2) You are connected from an Internet connection which does not send its IP address or send 'unknown' as IP address. 3) The web site is for a US company and hosted in Arizona.
  11. M


    Thanks :)
  12. M


    What do you mean?
  13. M


    Thanks, God Bless you. Do you know what is the last day that they may send letter?
  14. M


    Is there anyone from Asia?
  15. M


    Hello all, I'm new to this forum. I'm also waiting for the first letter, is there still any chance to receive it ?