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  1. C

    N-400 denied ... need advice???

    that's what would concern me - that they make that argument; it would not be unusual. however, there is no reason not to appeal - other than cost.
  2. C

    F-1 status and N-400 Questions!

    Good point. I guess the point would be that he'd have an expired I-94. On the other hand, the weird result is that the SS seemed like it wanted to exclude such folks from coverage unless you overstayed and this would mean that a tourist would not have to register but a student would - a weird...
  3. C

    F-1 status and N-400 Questions!

    Did the O/S issue ever come up when you refiled F-1 and then for fiance visa?
  4. C

    F-1 status and N-400 Questions!

    If he was within his I-94 period (which for F-1 is typically D/S), then he may still have been in status. There is an old memo on this from the general counsel of the Selective Service that says that they define status for SS purposes as being within your I-94 period. It makes sense, as I...
  5. C

    denied citizenship

    It is as simple as that if they did not raise the issue officially. It is, of course, possible that they charged him with 20 different things in their heads but the piece of paper he has only points to the shoplifting incident. So that's all they've raised. In any event, sounds like he...
  6. C

    IO called off my Oath Day on 9/26/08...shocked

    why not go for an INFOPASS?
  7. C

    denied citizenship

    or 3 year period - if that's what you are using.
  8. C

    denied citizenship

    Get an attorney and send a letter to them saying that this is beyond the 5 year period.
  9. C

    Refund if cancelling application?

    This seems like it belongs in a different thread. Anyway, you are I believe technically correct. Like a US passport, the GC is US govt. issued document and, technically, it is sufficient proof of your GC status and admit you to the US. A travel document is sometimes issued for those people...
  10. C

    citizenship denied...hearing confim the denial..HELP !!!

    1) Why are we speculating here about the cause of the denial? Mikemonte: surely they told you what specific reason for the bad moral character there was if not in the letter, then at the interview or the appeals hearing? Did they accuse her of false testimony or did they just point to the...
  11. C

    Finally !! IL has arrived!!!

    good for you - congratulations!
  12. C

    N-400 San Francisco timeline

    Sounds good. Sounds like you're now in queue for supervisor review. Then you will be in queue for oath. Then in queue for a passport. And then you will finally be able to live your life without queues.
  13. C

    N-400 San Francisco timeline

    Yes, get an infopass and go over there.
  14. C

    "new" harder test from Oct.1? is it true?

    Take the old one if you can - the IOs are probably better trained on the old one.
  15. C

    DO in Mt. Laurel, NJ

    Sounds like a nice experience in contrast to some of the other poster's experiences today.
  16. C

    Aren't they making you to commit false statement?

    You can write whatever you want and sign the form a million times but until you hand it in to them, how could it be an issue. And more broadly, the poster is obviously having fun.
  17. C

    help please, interview in 3 weeks

    As far as I know the 5 year rule is the more amorphous continuous residence. You actually only have to be physically present for half the time.
  18. C

    Big Problem with my Citizenship Interview

    You don't get penalized for inaccuracies. You get penalized if you actually misrepresent things and that means you have to know that something is not true when you make the statement. He is saying he does not have the records and is reconstructing this as best as he can - even if he makes an...
  19. C

    11 weeks since interview no oath notice yet- anybody in the same boat?

    In the meantime, go for an infopass.