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  1. G

    Baltimore Interview

  2. G

    Received Fp Notice Eb1 Ea. Please Answer Question.

    No Title Not much just wait few more months.
  3. G

    Case transfer to Baltimore

    No Title See the old INS board for more clues and frustrations. You might get some ideas how to proceed further.
  4. G

    Gc Pain Is Over: Received Actual Card

  5. G

    Gc Pain Is Over: Received Actual Card

    No Title Thank you very much.
  6. G

    Gc Pain Is Over: Received Actual Card

    Folks   Today I received my GC. I was interviewed at Baltimore in first week of December.   The message still says that my case was transferred to Baltimore for interview on   June 10, 2000-----. Trying several times to VSC, but never succeeded to get through...
  7. G

    Plastic cards received

    No Title when were your passport stamped?
  8. G

    I feel that we should refrain from calling VSC too often since it will

    No Title you seem stupid. i still recall in old board when people used to say do\'nt call, and they are still waiting. You are in America not in Africa.
  9. G

    Still Waiting For Plastic Card.

    No Title good for you.
  10. G

    Still Waiting For Plastic Card.

    No Title Fold it.
  11. G

    Still Waiting For Plastic Card.

    No Title PP Stamp Oct 10 Plastic card waiting
  12. G

    Still Waiting For Plastic Card.

    Anyone here waiting for the actual greenacard for about 3 months. Please post. I am making a Vcs list.
  13. G

    Did this happen to anyone at Baltimore?

    No Title Don\'nt worry. Some officers are lazy and do\'nt want to wait and work for the number to verify, and give another date. Things will be alright, if nothing is wrong.
  14. G

    Interim EAD!! Urgent Help

    No Title The message is standard. You can get an Entrim EAD from Phili.
  15. G

    Are INS related medical expenses reimbursable by the insurance company?

    No Title Give me more money. Let us change that and contribute something to the society.
  16. G

    Are INS related medical expenses reimbursable by the insurance company?

    No Title You folks all bulshit here about your pennys and cents. Get a life.
  17. G

    No Clue About Plastic Card! What Should I Do, Damn It!

    No Title Not yet. It is still pending cooldude.
  18. G

    No Clue About Plastic Card! What Should I Do, Damn It!

    No Title No, still waiting cool dude.
  19. G

    No Clue About Plastic Card! What Should I Do, Damn It!

    No Title Thanks for continuing this list.