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  1. M

    San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Congratulations to all the people who are getting oath and here are our details: See you some of you there 04/04/07: Priority Mail 04/09/07: Received 04/09/07: Priority Date 05/07/07: Notice Date 05/07/07: FP Notice 06/09/07: FP Appt and Done 11/23/07: Interview Letter 01/08/08...
  2. M

    San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Hello Huracan! Could you please share what is the process to get the US citizen certificate for son (10 year old - India born & has GC, living here) and what is the best way to get US Passport faster? If anybody also share much appreciated! Thanks!
  3. M

    San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Happy New Year 2008! Interview Done & info. may help. Dear Friends! Happy New Year 2008! Today I have completed my interview. I got a letter said "You have passed" & "Congratulations.........":) Interview was very simple & Officer was so nice & very friendly, time total 11 minutes...
  4. M

    San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Interview Letter Received /Question? We just received the IL letter by mail. I have to go to India on Dec. 5th and come back on Jan 14,08 but they give my IL date Jan 8, now very difficult to get return ticket on last week of Dec or 1st week of Jan, so I need to reschdule interview. OR "I...
  5. M

    San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Dear Desifan, What is the process you did to reschdule the interview. Please advise. Thanks a lot. Mo
  6. M

    San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Desifan writes: Received resceduled interview notice for my wife -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My wife's interview originally scheduled for Oct 9th. Requested for a date after Jan 1st '08. Interview rescheduled to Jan 4th 2008. Dear...
  7. M

    San Jose, CA - N-400 Timeline

    Need your expert advise PLEASE! I am waiting for IL and let say (looks like) interview schdule for January, 08. My question: can I go to India in December and come back before Interview and attend the interview in time, is it any problem? My india trip is very important and I am going only...