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  1. C

    Dec interview - Medical Exams Results - Chennai (pls read)

    Finally Medicals are over After 3 days of smear test and PPD test, my wifes results are negative. So relieved. Dr. Vijayalaxmi is relly good. She explained that infection could be because of some allergy, an antibiotic could cure that. Guys if you get this type of test, do not worry, things...
  2. C

    Dec interview - Medical Exams Results - Chennai (pls read)

    Plan accordingly from medical to interview date keep atleast 4 working days. I had medical at 9:30 in the morning, doc asked us to further tests for next 3 days continuously. The chest x ray showed some infection, so did PPD and sputum 3 days test. we will complete that by 14th, will be...
  3. C

    Dec interview - Medical Exams Results - Chennai (pls read)

    Did blood work at Lister on 11th Dec and went to Dr Vijaylaxmi, but my wifes X-ray showed some infection. We had all immunizations as well as PPD skin test negative results for her. So Doctor has ordered for another PPD skin test and sputum test for next 3 days. So guys if you have interview...
  4. C

    Company Check at Chennai Consulate and POE - Please help interview on Dec 18th

    Guys Please respond to this. Please  
  5. C

    Company Check at Chennai Consulate and POE - Please help interview on Dec 18th

    Q1. Will they do any company check at POE, what if company may file for Chapter 7 and winding up in Feb? Our cmpany is now in Chapter 11 and going to Chpter 7 soon, have interview on Dec 18th. Will there be any problems at POE if I have successfully completed CP interview? Q2. Also will they...
  6. C

    When can I change my job?

    Any company check at POE Q1. Will they do any company check at POE, what if company may file for Chapter 7 and winding up in Feb? Our cmpany is now in Chapter 11 and going to Chpter 7 soon, have interview on Dec 18th. Will there be any problems at POE if I have successfully completed CP...
  7. C

    URGENT, PLEASE HELP - Interview on Dec 18th

    updates with the things happening at company - Need help /suggestions Guys thanks a lot for all the encouraging postings. I really thank you for that. Meanwhile update is that they may do layoffs in next week before dec 18th itself. I have requested my manager and director to hold off by a...
  8. C

    URGENT, PLEASE HELP - Interview on Dec 18th

    Hi Guys Our company is currently in Chap 11 and may file ad may file chapter 7(dont know the date) , I have interview on dec 18th, I have employment letters + every documents. I am in India now, and company may lay off in and arround 20th. What to do at this stage? Shall I go ahead and do my...