Dec interview - Medical Exams Results - Chennai (pls read)


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Did blood work at Lister on 11th Dec and went to Dr Vijaylaxmi, but my wifes X-ray showed some infection. We had all immunizations as well as PPD skin test negative results for her. So Doctor has ordered for another PPD skin test and sputum test for next 3 days. So guys if you have interview Please keep atleast 7 working days for interview to avoid such complications.

We have to go everyday for 3 days to Lister to do test.

Do they allow you to postpone your interview date???or what??? now how are you handling your intervoew date???

Pleaswe write so that we can plan it better. My interview is on 15th Jan. and flight is already boked, so i have to replan the things.
Plan accordingly

from medical to interview date keep atleast 4 working days.

I had medical at 9:30 in the morning, doc asked us to further tests for next 3 days continuously.

The chest x ray showed some infection, so did PPD and sputum 3 days test. we will complete that by 14th, will be going to doc on 14th evening. still have time for interview.

Vijaylxmi add: 753 Poonamalle high Road.
Same hapenned to me

I am currently in Chennai having the sputum done, mine will be complete on the 15th. Really did not know, what would have hapenned if I went a day before the interview. Mine is on 19th. Dr. Vijayalaxmi is the doctor. She kind of implied to me that If there is any infection showing in the x-ray, they need to prove it is not TB. I talked extensively to Lister lab guys and they said they\'ve been seeing these additional tests pretty often recently and most of the results were negative. Hopefully mine is too.
Finally Medicals are over

After 3 days of smear test and PPD test, my wifes results are negative. So relieved. Dr. Vijayalaxmi is relly good. She explained that infection could be because of some allergy, an antibiotic could cure that. Guys if you get this type of test, do not worry, things will be fine after 3 days of tests.

IMP NOTE: Keep atleast 4 working days beween medical and interview.

Dr Vijayalaxmis nos : 6413445, 6413446
djsr73 and others -

If some problem comes up in your medical test and if you have to do further testing but don\'t have enough time before Interview, then don\'t worry. You should still appear for your interview. Don\'t postpone it ! What will happen is they won\'t give you the visa the day of your interview but will keep your case pending based on in-complete documentation.

Once you are done with medicals, go with your report and get your visa.

If you try to postpone, you never know what date you will get.

That\'s my understanding and interpretation.

You are right

The Law:
9 FAM 42.62 PN5 Interview Even if Documentation is
a. In addition to the inconvenience and expense caused to the alien
(particularly an alien applying with family members), it is generally inefficient
for the post if an application is not taken and the interview not conducted
on the appointment date. In a busy post, the number of daily interviews is
set to maximize the use of space and personnel. A canceled interview re-sults
in a gap in that day’s productivity without gain, since the interview
must be rescheduled for another day. In addition, there is no guarantee that
the alien will be found eligible the second time around. Rescheduling
causes administrative backlogs, which, in turn, result in lost time answering
correspondence and responding to telephone inquiries.
b. As a general rule, therefore, consular officers should accept appli-cations
from and interview all applicants appearing on the appointed date. If
an applicant fails to present all of the required documentation, the applicant
should nevertheless pay the application fee and be interviewed by the con-sular
officer who must then refuse the application under INA 221(g). The
consular officer should tell the applicant or a member of the family to mail or
bring in the missing documentation, and also the issuance fee, and make
clear that the visa(s) will be issued immediately if the documentation is
found acceptable. In rare instances, the consular officer may decide not to
collect the fee and interview the applicant, but only a consular officer may
make this decision. Generally, permitting such a decision to be made by
anyone else would be an abdication of the officer’s responsibilities.
One Simple Suggestion to avoid this

A simple suggestion from an experience cper. Once you send packet 3 you know you have to medical and interview in next 2-4 months. So go and get the annual checkup done and ask the doctor to take a chest X-ray and tests. That way if there is anything unusual you know and if serious can even opt out of cp or defer the interview. And if everything is ok then chances are very very small that you will develop anything in next 2 months at our young age.
I did this myself and then kept only one day between medical and interview without any testion or worry.
Hope this helps.