Search results

  1. K

    Website UP!

    And I'm finally down :mad:
  2. K


    Hey any stat on bd entries or in general for this year at all :rolleyes:? Thanks.
  3. K


    Dangerously close to ZERO I'm afraid my friend :(
  4. K

    DV 2010 - SSL Entry problem

    checked from a friends place and it's the same, don't know if it's a Australia/Sydney thing.
  5. K

    DV 2010 - SSL Entry problem

    well, tried to look around without much success
  6. K

    DV 2010 - SSL Entry problem

    The following are what I get when I try with FF :confused:; doesn't work with IE either :mad:. Secure Connection Failed An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. (Error code...
  7. K

    DV 2010 - SSL Entry problem

    I'm having difficulty to get to the ssl link ( to submit my dv2010 application. Has anyone noticed this issue or more importantly, does anyone know a fix to this? Thanks.
  8. K

    DV-2010 instructions, questions, answers

    What's your source, if I may ask!
  9. K

    Thanks To Everyone That Contributes In This Forum---all Done

    Congrats! Am I the first to congratulate you? Yeeaaahhhhhhhhh :D:D:D
  10. K

    All done and thank you!

    Congratulations! Very happy for you.
  11. K

    VOA: US Visa Lottery Underway Despite Uncertain Future

    [H.AMDT.373 to H.R.2764]:confused:
  12. K

    Good news:DV 2009 is starting soon!!!

    borderline, thanks for the good news
  13. K

    New Senate Bill- DV to be cancelled. This Bill to be voted on next Monday, May 21.

    No I'm afraid. They're totally different bills still. s.1350 & s.1351 only talks about subsets (and those subsets indeed translate to our headaches:eek:) of immigration issues in the US while s.1348 covers the lot. Would be nice if they adopt these into s.1348 (I have a Master's degree:p)...
  14. K

    Whats going on?

    I'm in Oz and from Bd too; will let you know if I get an NL but the chances are fading everyday now I guess.
  15. K

    DV 2008 results out yet?

    Very surprised that no one's saying a thing about Tmikky's "LYING" Accusation! Come on people (and the lucky winners) say something.