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  1. S

    Reschedule Biometrics

    Alright, here's an update. My wife had called the immigration line, and they did not accept rescheduling by phone. She had to make a copy of the appointment letter and then send it to the local office to reschedule. It's now been rescheduled.
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    Reschedule Biometrics

    Hi all, I've recently sent my I-751 package and have now received my extension letter, since I was waiting on that I immediately traveled to Europe to visit family. My wife said that the letter for my biometrics appointment came the next day and it scheduled for the day I come back, which I...
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    Close to filing I-751. Some questions.

    Update: Well, I have my package ready to go. It'll be send out today by DHL, overnight and certified. I'm still in a rut though, I had travel plans for mid March, of course I haven't booked anything yet. I wanted to wait until I got the NOA extension letter, which I was under the impression...
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    Close to filing I-751. Some questions.

    Thanks. I'll put a bunch of digital pictures together and print them out, and I'll include some regular photographs as well. We actually had our taxes done yesterday, so I'm able to submit our joint 2006 state and federal taxes. I should be fine now. Hopefully.
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    Close to filing I-751. Some questions.

    When you submit actual non-digital photographs, will you get them back at one point? About how many pictures should be sufficient? Thanks.
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    Close to filing I-751. Some questions.

    Thanks for the input. I also called uscis yesterday to ask them some questions. He said he thought blanking out amounts should not have a negative impact on the application, and he also said that if the statement has several pages, submitting just the frontpage, or maybe a few pages should be...
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    Close to filing I-751. Some questions.

    First off, I want to go through my list of stuff that I'm going to send, and see if I'm good or if I need more. Here goes: - I-751. - Copy front and back conditional GC. - Wedding invites in the two different languages. - Copy Marriage certificate. (original language and international...
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    I-751 Waiver before divorce is final.

    Thanks for your input. Just to double check, if she would withdraw the I-751, would I be able to file a new one based on the waiver?
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    I-751 Waiver before divorce is final.

    I have two questions really. 1) Except for the I-864 itself and other sites that repeat the same rules, I really can't find any credible info on what and when they would come after the sponsor, and most importantly; what they can't come after the sponsor for. I've said that it only goes for...
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    I-751 Waiver before divorce is final.

    Yes I thought so too, that it only pertained to means-tested benefits. Which I really don't see myself needing. But she seems to think otherwise and I can't find any documentation that specifically NEGATES other issues outside of means-tested benefits. She knows about the the end of contract...
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    I-751 Waiver before divorce is final.

    Al Southner (and others), thank you for your input. I appreciate it. I'm lucky enough to have researched this very much, and I am aware of procedures. I also know that for the joint filing, we don't need a lawyer, since I know what I need and how to file. Evidence is not a problem. By this...
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    I-751 Waiver before divorce is final.

    Hey everybody, I have a serious issue going on at the moment. My wife and I have been married a little over 2 years, and my conditional green card will expire March 17th. In the last year we've been having serious issues in the marriage and at this point it just doesn't seem to be working...
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    chanses after divorce with conditional GC

    It's always possible to get a divorce and apply for the lifting of conditions based on a waiver. If it will be succesful is another matter. When he filed for those divorces, did he actually file with courts so you have the documentation, or did he just threaten you with it? The documentation...
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    I-751 Approval (divorce case)

    Hey Diavon, Would it be possible to provide a template of the affidavitz you used? You say you wrote all events, how detailed did you make it? Did you include when things went bad and what happened? Also, did the affidavitz of others also include the part where things went downhill, or...
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    Close to filing AOS, but likely having a divorce. Questions regarding status/travel

    Thanks, this is a step closer. But what do I do in the time after my conditional card expires, but my divorce isn't final yet? Would I have to leave the country, since my papers are expired?
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    Close to filing AOS, but likely having a divorce. Questions regarding status/travel

    Thanks for responding. I'm referring to the current green card I have now, the conditional one. I know the situation when I divorce when AOS is already requested. But this situation deals with before that, since my divorce would have to be final first, before requesting AOS. So I want to...
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    Close to filing AOS, but likely having a divorce. Questions regarding status/travel

    I was hoping to get some clearity on an issue i'm having, I can't seem to find it anywhere. I'm in the position where I might go through a divorce soon and have to request AOS based on the good fairth waiver. My question isn't about though. (although any info on this would be greatly...
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    I-751 Approval (divorce case)

    Hey Diavon, I also have a question about this and I'm glad I finally found someone who knows about this. I might have to go through the same thing you have soon. My wife and I are having problems and we might decide to get divorced. This January we would file for the undconditional...