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  1. Y

    Boston Citizenship (N-400) Interview and Oath Ceremony

    Thanks Thanks sk686, Its painful to wait for 1 full year to enquire about the status of your application ...seems ridiculous....but thats what BCIS is !! Thanks for the suggestion. I will try that.
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    Boston Citizenship (N-400) Interview and Oath Ceremony

    sk686, Now I understand what you mean... Yeah, I applied to VSC and my case is getting processed at Boston District office. I dont know if anyone else is in the same boat as me.... I havent received the interview letter yet !!!
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    Boston Citizenship (N-400) Interview and Oath Ceremony

    sk686, I didnt intend to post the message twice, it was a mistake. anyway, I didnt know that there are more than 1 BCIS district office processing N-400 forms ! ANd one doesnt send the application form to district office., I sent it to Vermont Service Center (VSC)...I think everyone...
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    Boston Citizenship (N-400) Interview and Oath Ceremony

    advice sought I applied for citizenship app on Oct. 30th around the same time as you, however I have not received any letter scheduling my interview ! I have done my fingerprinting and I contacted the FBI. They said every thing was clear. I am still waiting to get an interview letter ...
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    Boston Citizenship (N-400) Interview and Oath Ceremony

    advice sought I applied for citizenship app on Oct. 30th around the same time as you, however I have not received any letter sheduling my interview ! I have done my fingerprintting and I contacted the FBI. They said every thing was clear. I am yet waiting to get an interview letter ...
  6. Y

    Boston Interview Timeline

    No one from Boston on this board ? If you have any info regarding the timeline of interview dates, please report here. I filed my Application on Nov.1, 2002. Havent heard since. anyone else from August/sept/oct timeframe from Boston please let me know. Thanks
  7. Y

    Boston Interview Timeline

    Anyone received interview letter from BCIS in Boston lately ? I filed my application on 1st Nov. 2002. FP done: 12 dec. Since then : Waiting ? Anybody in the same boat ? Your answers might help track the dates which Boston office is processing. thanks
  8. Y

    Name Change - Boston

    When did u receive the interview letter Hi ashwinmk, when did u receive your interview letter ? I had applied on the 31st Oct. 2002, but havent received any interview letter yet. I got my fingerprinting done on 12th Dec. 2002. Can you please let me know when u got the letter ? Thanks
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    9/27 - RFE approved !!

    RFE details 2001 tax returns and W2 Employment letter (Sent pay-stubs anyway even though I was not asked, jsut to be in the safe side). Best Luck guys.
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    9/27 - RFE approved !!

    Hey Guys, Just saw yesterday afternoon on the online status check that my case has finally been approved !! Details : RD : 9/27 RFE issued : 25th Sept. 2002 RFE sent : 1 st Oct. RFE recvd : 6th Oct. RFE approved : 23 rd Oct. EAC 02 042-xxxxx Good luck to all you guys,:D all...
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    Any September RFE's Approved yet

    RFE issued : Sept. 28 RFE received by INS : Oct 6 (sunday !!!) waiting for approval !!
  12. Y

    RFE help..

    Do I need to send the original W-2 form or a copy of it. INS has asked for emp. letter, 2001 Tax return and W-2 form. Anyone, please let me know if I need to send the original W-2 or a copy of it.
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    Question on RFE.. Need Help

    original W-2 or copy ? Hey there, I too got the details of my RFE and they have asked for 2001 Tax and W-2 forms. copy of all my I-797's and employment letter. Do we need to send the "original" W-2 form or a copy will do? please let me know this ASAP guys as I will right away rush to...
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    Talked to IIO-RFE Rd:9/28

    AVM changed --RFE The AVM changed on Sept. 19th. they have sent the RFE. dont know the details. Will keep u posted.
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    Talked to IIO-RFE Rd:9/28

    Yaa My AVM has not yet changed...and I am thinking that they should change the AVM ASAP and then I should get the papers soon. I havent callled the INS many times...just twice !! I will keep you posted.
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    Talked to IIO-RFE Rd:9/28

    U too had the same message ? Seems like our similarity doesnt end here....We probably have the same "Officer" (If you call him one !!!) who does nothing else but just keeps on sending RFE's. they might have assigned this job to him !!! I am really upset, both at my lawyer and INS. My...
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    Talked to IIO-RFE Rd:9/28

    Details I called IIO about a month back Reason : For some reason the AVM had changed the tune to " processing of your alien registration card or green card ahs been completed, your INS document will be mailed to you as soon as its ready" This was a weared called IIO., she...
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    Talked to IIO-RFE Rd:9/28

    AVM not changed Checked the AVM, but it still plays the old tune. I just hope all this (GC business ) is done quickly !! Best luck to all and me.
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    Talked to IIO-RFE Rd:9/28

    Thanks GCGCHunter But I came across the July/August thread for RFE's and there are people who are still waiting for about a month !
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    Talked to IIO-RFE Rd:9/28

    Just talked to IIO at 3.00 PM. Was told that RFE was generated but that it was not "typed". How long does it take to get RFE approved ? Do we get the RFE notice or does the lawyer get it ?