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  1. R

    Spam: They Are Coming ! We Are Dead !!!

    Other countries in Europe let you take the money back too ...
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    When do you receive SS cards after GC

    I-181 creation of U.S. permanent resident record One can obtain a new SSN card,without the "valid for employment only with INS authorization" crap on it, only after a permanent resident record is created by the USCIS and the data is forwarded to the Social Security administration. After...
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    How can I find out when the plastic card was ordered

    ...if I got my passport stamped after interview? I was transferred out of VSC... Thank you!
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    Got it...

    Good for you! Good luck!
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    Approved after interview

    Answers: -Interview notice came a little less than two weeks in advance ofactual interview. -Try law firms of Eiss, or Serrotte. Good luck!
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    Approved after interview

    Thank you again... Here are some more answers. - I took the attorney with me. He is from Buffalo. - I submitted letter of employment when I initially applied to VSC. - I got my interview letter two weeks after doing the FP AND after security check was finally cleared. My case was a little...
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    Approved after interview

    Thank you all for your wishes Now let me answer some of your questions... My file was transferred to Buffalo in March. I did 2nd FP at end of October. Interview lasted around 5 minutes. I had to bring employment letter and 2 months of paystubs, as well as all originals of all papers...
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    Approved after interview

    Interview was a PLEASANT experience, compared to all the crap that went onwhile file was at VSC . The officer was very nice, professional. Quesions were: employment, what do you do there, were you legal all the time etc.The general idea that I got after interview is that VSC is extremely...
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    BCIS is not doing audit! what're they doing then!?

    To waytoolong Way toolong, are you a Penn State graduate? The BCIS is not working because they have to figure out (in long meetings with doughnuts and apple cider) how to give GC quickly to illegal applicants, and what excuses to use when they'll tell us that those people will be given...
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    NY Senator

    who knows? Who knows what will happen in such a long time? Not helping me would be just one of the many reasons to consider, and it would not be the deciding factor in a vote. Ultimately, it's the BCIS' responsibility to provide efficient (ha!) service. We are last on the politicians "to...
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    Senator Jon Corzine's Response

    Great help...not But at least you've got a polite response.
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    NY Senator

    That was me... I asked both Schumer and Clinton to help me out when my file was transferred to the wrong local BCIS office. Neither helped, but Schumer's office produced an excuse.
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    Please advice: what is the "security check"

    Response to Cole My lawyer did some more digging on my behalf (he has many contacts) at the local BCIS, and found out that the SECURITY CHECK OR THE NAME CHECK(to see what that is please read Cinta's postings) came back long ago. The FBI is now pretty good about their jobs and you should expect...
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    Please advice: what is the "security check"

    Edison The security check is performed by the FBI-it is not the same as the FP check. The FBI looks for similarities between your name and birth date, and those of people on their watch lists. If you work in aerospace, nuclear industry, etc. the check will last up to 120 days. VERY...
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    Hey BCIS: The most valuable natural resource in the 21st century is brains.

    Nope, they don't... They are turning good people like us away. Maybe there are implicit orders to delay adjudication until the applicant, by either losing its job, or by finding another in his home country or by growing tired of the wait, will go away. What a waste of time...
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    Security checks

    Thanks Cinta People should appreciate more actual documents (even lengthy ones) and not hearsay. I am aware of ITAR. My problem is that I have actually contributed with new ideas to the development of technology, without receiving anything back (even verbally) that was not previously...
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    How long bcis takes to open RFE response

    Timeframe In my case, in November of 2002, it took them less than one week to post the updated message on the website. Hold on to FEDEX receipt.
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    Security checks

    Some info I have recently applied locally for AP and EAD. They performed an IBIS check on both me and my wife. I looked at the sheet of paper that the officer had in her hand where this info was written, that's how I know. The check lasted only 5 minutes! What else am I waiting for to be...
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    Security checks

    Thank you for your research It's discouraging to see what we have to go through. I am still stuck with this God-forsaken useless check in local interview. Another problem, rightfully brought up in the proposed petition to BCIS, is the lack of a tracking system for the security checks. I...
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    Anyone in NY state contacted a senator?

    Tried results Schumer's office responded late, with an excuse why they can't do it: "due to high number of inquiries....". I felt very lucky that a 20 year old intern took the time to computer-generate a reply. Clinton didn't even bother to respond at all, but sent me info on what...