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  1. R

    S. 1932 Status

    He guys, Dont loose your hopes. I know i may be sounding too much optimistic but we can still try calling/meeting our so called friends in senate and ask them to put 8001 in their version, there is no harm in giving it one last chance. Read this on cpan Floor Activity in the Senate The...
  2. R

    S. 1932 Status

    This is the old bill passed on 16 Dec
  3. R

    S. 1932 Status

    If someone got h1b from 2006 quota he could start working from Oct 1 2005.
  4. R

    S. 1932 Status

    Dear Friends, American financial year starts from January 1st, Likewise in India it starts from April. If someone got h1b from 2006 quota he could start working from Oct 1 2005.
  5. R

    S. 1932 Status

    good point boss.
  6. R

    S. 1932 Status

    Suggest you to talk with this person(who is suffering) first and take his consent about it.
  7. R

    S. 1932 Status

    12/17/2005: S. 1932 Information is Still Unofficial and Immigrant Community May Continue their Efforts The sources of this information is fairly reliable but not official. We did not post the information to discourage the immigrant community from continuing their efforts. We will find out the...
  8. R

    S. 1932 Status

    SAIWELCOME these are senate conferers and not house conferers
  9. R

    S. 1932 Status

    why dont you people stop visiting this forum if you think that S1932 is dead.
  10. R

    S. 1932 Status

    found this on numberusa. Arizona Republican Rep. Flake (photo above) has succeeded in adding damaging language to a Manager’s Amendment that will be debated and voted Friday for the second half of H.R. 4437. Flake’s is a Sense of the House statement that essentially says the House recognizes...
  11. R

    S. 1932 Status

    DID ANYONE CHECK THIS NEWS POSTED ON NUMBERUSA House Rules Comm. Soon to Release Which Amendments Will Be Allowed in THIS AFTERNOON’s Votes on Illegal-Alien Enforcement Bill The House Rules Committee worked all Wednesday afternoon and throughout much of the night sorting through 150-some...
  12. R

    S. 1932 Status

    well this information I got from news article published sometime in late october when judiciary committe recommended sec 8001 and 8002.
  13. R

    S. 1932 Status

    well if something is missing/contradicting in two versions than it would be debated in conference committe and then if approved by the committee would be voted in both the houses.