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  1. F

    How much for hiring a lawyer

    Thanks a lot Raziel for your very helpful information you gave. And, Congrates for your final approval man. thanks again
  2. F

    How much for hiring a lawyer

    ok guys, thank you all for replying but Raziel I have two questions 1-you said I might find a free lawyer..can you give me more information abt that?? 2-how can the lawyer increases your chances of getting approved? I mean does he have any influence on the officer..or he just give you...
  3. F

    How much for hiring a lawyer

    please guys can you tell me how much it cost to hire a lawyer from the time I fill the asylum application until the interview. I know it depends on man things..the state..the lawyer..the case..ect but I just want to know how much would it cost on average tell me from your past experience...
  4. F

    Asylum Seeker..please HELP!!!! (ESPICIALLY FATEN AND RAZIEL)

    I am sorry mamatonny..but the USCIS says that you are referred to IJ if the officer denies your claim AND you are not in a valid status.... So, my question were you in an invalid status (your tourist visa expired for example) when you were referred to the IJ? my second question..if you...
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    Asylum Seeker..please HELP!!!! (ESPICIALLY FATEN AND RAZIEL)

    I have a question mamatonny..were you referred to the IJ right away after the decision?or it took some time...and during the time between 2005 and 2008 could you apply for EAD and worl legally. And RAZIEL..thank you a lot..and if you have an answer to my question to mamtonny..plz go ahead.
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    Asylum Seeker..please HELP!!!! (ESPICIALLY FATEN AND RAZIEL)

    thanks faten and assylum. 1-never mind, it seems they do so to people who enter USA with no or unvalid travel documents (not our case) 2-OK! 3-also OK! 4-thats a fair chance, but I think it depends on each one's case 5-OK! 6-please, try to explain more.I read that you have the...
  7. F

    Asylum Seeker..please HELP!!!! (ESPICIALLY FATEN AND RAZIEL)

    hello, I am an asylum seeker...changed my religon recently after years of thinking..the problem is that in my country leaving the major religon is considered as a crime by many organiztion...and I was threatened many times to return back..but I refused. I thought many times of asking asylum in...