Asylum Seeker..please HELP!!!! (ESPICIALLY FATEN AND RAZIEL)

i mean this asylees are innocent,they are not terrorist.but why they will suffer?why INS will made them suffer and why they are not changing the rule?
I'm no expert in this and don't know if I will face such a problem and I hope will not face it one day, it is really frustrating issue... I know

koteya and many other members are more helpful in these cases, hope they might answer your questions...
After my interview, i waited for a few months then i got the a letter in the mail telling me that i was referred to IJ for my case and the date was one year away for the first Master calender hearing and after master calender hearing, i was given another date one year away for my individual hearing. After yu apply for asylum, yu can apply for work authorization after 15odays. so i had already aplied for work authorization and was working this whole time renewing my card every year.

I am sorry mamatonny..but the USCIS says that you are referred to IJ if the officer denies your claim AND you are not in a valid status....

So, my question were you in an invalid status (your tourist visa expired for example) when you were referred to the IJ?

my second question..if you recieved your decision of denial before 150 days of filling and you still in valid status can you still apply for EAD?

thanks in Advance..
Do employers recognize this kind of EAD? Is it a violation of a law for employers to deny this EAD?

All employers should recognize the EAD because it is legal and issued by Dept of Homeland securiey allowing yu to work. It is a violation of law for employers to deny yu a job because of having this as your proof that yu can legally work.
I applied for Asylum after one year and my tourist visa had already expired. the reason the officer never approved me after the interview was because of the one year deadline. When yu are reffered to IJ, it does not mean yu have been denied asylum. it means the officer gives yu another chance to explain your case to IJ. you case remains pending until IJ approves or dissaproves your case. So yu can continue using your EAD and renewing every year until your case ends. I renewed mine 3 times while waiting for IJ final decision. all yu have to attach is a document to show your case is pending and i always attached the letter from IJ showing when i was supposed to go for my private hearing.