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  1. L

    DV 2012 AOS Only

    From what I've gathered, the CIS simply seems to be telling people that if they are validly in the country (ie: not.. illegal, overstay etc) then you automatically are 'eligible'
  2. L

    Dv 2012

    It should be the same? 3505 N Highway 25W, Williamsburg KY 40769.. that is also on my NL (Digital) and DSP-122
  3. L

    Dv 2012

    For an AoS do we even need to do the KCC part anymore? Or do they still need DSP-122.. what about DS-230? M
  4. L

    DV-2012 AOS - What is my next step?

    Okay sounds great! So I send 1 form, 2 photos and a barcode.. and pay nothing.. until? Should I hear from them? Do you also know if AoS from R-1 visa is valid? I assume so? - Also.. what mail do you guys recommend to send it.. USPS Priority?
  5. L

    DV-2012 winner.. couple of questions re: next step

    Thanks for the help Surely I should tick "College, No Degree" as the highest level completed? Since, I can get college transcripts of results.. just no formal certification as I did not complete the degree (ie: No degree)
  6. L

    DV-2012 AOS - What is my next step?

    Okay So I will just send DSP-122, photos and the barcode to KCC. Must I immediately send some kind of payment to the other place.. or do I simply wait at this stage?
  7. L

    DV-2012 AOS - What is my next step?

    So I *do not* send DS-230? What if I included it, noting to disregard it if it is not necessary? Has anyone (ie: in 2011) simply got an AOS with DSP-122 alone?
  8. L

    DV-2012 AOS - What is my next step?

    Hey all, I won DV-2012 with a 2012EU00003XXX number, so pretty low. I am in the USA under a new 3 year R-1 visa, so I am going to file for an AOS. I have completed: - Cover note - Online NL & Barcode Sheet - DSP-122 (and Addendum explaining education fulfillment regarding "College, no...
  9. L

    Quick Q regarding Education/Employment on DSP-122/DS-0230

    Enough of the just reading!! ;-) Anyone got an answer to help? =(
  10. L

    Help!! What is my "course of study" for HS?

    1. What did you say was your foreign "Course of Study" for your High School? 2. For the "Degree or Diploma" columns did you put in YES/NO? 3. For an incomplete college degree, would you list this in DS-0230 Q33? 4. In DSP-122, what does "College, No Degree" mean? Is it possible to 'complete'...
  11. L

    How do you note the Addendum?

    I am just concerned, that in that case.. (for example: education) they think on initial viewing that I've left the field empty? Rather than noting the addendum. M
  12. L

    How do you note the Addendum?

    Hey How have you guys done the Addendum on forms? For example in DS-0230 Q35 (past visits in the USA) did you list the last 2 on the form, then note "See Addendum".. OR did you simply note See Addendum at the beginning line? M
  13. L

    College, No Degree?

    So do you recommend, that in DSP-122, Q 6b That I enter my college at all? and simply state NONE as the certificate received? M
  14. L

    College, No Degree?

    Hey there I completed 2 years of my 4yr Bachelors of Science. However, I didn't receive any formal certification for this (I technically 'dropped out') In DSP-122 should I therefore choose "High School Diploma" or "College, No Degree". And also, below in 6b, is "Degree(s) or Cert...
  15. L

    DSP-122 no 6b. Did I fill in wrongly?

    If it's a Yes/No answer that may make more sense to me.. as I too have entered the qualification itself, but thought it was strange (ie: How would they know what this is?) I haven't submitted yet.. but I think your answer is fine. If something is listed, it's clearly a YES
  16. L

    Quick Q regarding Education/Employment on DSP-122/DS-0230

    Anyone? =( Want to get this mailed out tomorrow..
  17. L

    DV 2012 AOS Only

    So if we intend on AOS.. do we fill out DS-0230 or not??? Or should I just include it, just in-case?
  18. L

    How to correctly fill DSP-122 and DS-230 I & II

    How are you guys dealing with: DS-0230 Q 35. I haven't enough room. Do I simply begin with "See Addendum" and attach one, or do I fill in the last 2, and on the 3rd note the Addendum? And Q33 - Course of Study for High school is? And if outside the US, how do I designate GCE/VCE...
  19. L

    Quick Q regarding Education/Employment on DSP-122/DS-0230

    Hey guys: Being from the UK, I've completed GCE/VCE A-levels. And 2.5 years of college (incomplete, no accreditation.. but can be completed if I wish) - How do you guys use N/A. Do you enter this for *every* field that does not count, or just the main section(s), ie: children) DSP-122...
  20. L

    Dv 2012

    Thanks But, in Question 6a if I choose High School Diploma, should I mention my 2 years of college (no ceritification) in 6b? As I'm therefore unsure what to enter in the last column "Degrees or Cert. Received" Also, for my high school, in 6b do I just enter "High School Diploma" or...