Depends on which city and neighborhood you lives.
If you got some decent amount of money, you can/will choose to live in a neighborhood with a lower crime rate.
However, some people have no choice.
So, think twice about living in USA if you got no decent amount of money.
You should not leave US for 6 months CONSECUTIVELY, by "RULE" AFAIK.
You "better" stay more that 6 months for any period of 12 months, but it's just a "better".
Correct me if wrong.
Say, you've applied for consecutive years from 1994-2011 while the possibility of selected is 1%,
your probability would be
>>> (1-0.01)**(2011-1994)
That's 84%.
So actually it's quite common.
See what he has posted so far by yourself.
Posts with only numbers without any meaning.
Who acted like a child?
by DVwasScam Replies
by DVwasScam Replies
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