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  1. K

    All 2001 fillers

    My expedite request was denied twice to INS. i am talking about sending fax to FBI. Also I maentioned how to contact Ombudsman in my earlier post here. There is no email address. You ahve to mail your request. They answered me after two weeks and said thaey will contact FBI and INS. I think they...
  2. K

    All 2001 fillers

    My receipt date was Sept 2001. Keep sending fax to FBI and ask Ombudsman to contact them. Do not give up hope. Good luck to all of 2001 fillers.
  3. K

    All 2001 fillers

    I sent my FOIA request to here.
  4. K

    All 2001 fillers

    FOIA: Freedom of Information Act. Also search this forum for "FOIA", you will get a lot of information. For Ombudsman, check the website of Department of Homeland Sceurity: You...
  5. K

    All 2001 fillers

    One other thing that I forgto to mention. I also filed a FOIA request last month. Maybe that also helped so they went and took my file out of the pile. You should definitely try sending FOIA request.
  6. K

    All 2001 fillers

    I bneleive I gave you the wrong info. my FBI name check was cleared October 2004 just two months ago.
  7. K

    All 2001 fillers

    One other thing. My LUD never changed before approval. Only after i got the approval, it suddenly changed. Good luck to all of you again.
  8. K

    All 2001 fillers

    Thank you Thank you for all messages. My FBI name check was cleared in October 2001. My file has been with Adjun. officer for last two years. They were waiting for my name check to be cleared. After FBI sent me an email indicating the clearance, I asked the Ombudsman and congressman and...
  9. K

    All 2001 fillers

    My case is approved after exactly four years. I got two emails indicating that today. My ND was Nov. ,8, 2001. It has been a very painful four years. I tried everything from contacting congressman, ombudsman, FBI, Justice deprtment, expedite request, Vermont trip ....I have a file of more than...
  10. K

    Any 2001 Filers still left

    I asked for expedite request, but they rejected it saying that it does not meet the criteria of service error, financial loss, ... I tried ag ain and they said they have already rejected the expedite request once. My FBI name check was done on October 20th. How long it takes that information...
  11. K

    Any 2001 Filers still left

    I am still here Pending I 485, Nov. 8, 2001. That makes only three of us.
  12. K

    FBI name check

    The subject was immigration status and the answer comes from David hardy.
  13. K

    Any Oct-Nov-dec 2001 filers still left

    Fp3 Yes I did it in September. How long more i have to wait until something happens.
  14. K

    Any Oct-Nov-dec 2001 filers still left

    FBI name check I beleive my name check is done. What does this message says? Why they sent my results to Washington. My file is in Vermont? Any information is apprecaited. This is in reference to your facsimile received on September 10, 2004, concerning your immigration status. The FBI...
  15. K

    FBI name check

    I got this email from FBI. My file is in Vermont. What does this mean? Why they sent the results to Washington not to Vermont. Your information is appreciated. This is in reference to your facsimile received on September 10, 2004, concerning your immigration status. The FBI completed a...
  16. K

    Any Oct-Nov-dec 2001 filers still left

    What deos it mean adjunctiation What does this word mean when they say your case is under adjunctiation or something like that?
  17. K

    Any Oct-Nov-dec 2001 filers still left

    I am still here. I am still here too. No news. My wife's AP approved after eight months. My H1B extension was approved after one year, but no news about 485. I think I am the oldest person in this board with ND of Nov. 11, 2001.
  18. K

    Approved RD 10-9-01

    I am very glad for you. You deserved it. I hope all 2001 fillers get approved soon. Congratulations with all my heart.
  19. K

    Let's count how many 2001 fillers left

    I tried everything Thanks for your messages. I tried everything too. Going to Vermont, writing to Ombudsman, Sending fax to FBI. Contacting with three congressmen and senators. What else I can do?
  20. K

    Let's count how many 2001 fillers left

    Looks like I am the only one left.