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  1. H

    Meeting @ Akbar as planned by Chutney - Please Input your views

    Dear Fellow Netizens, As posted by Chutney in a seperate thred for having meeeting @ Akbar on July 21 weekend I think we can make it a great event.. Here are my 2 cents for making an event historical or atleast beyond just having fun. Let me be frank with you all if you don\'t like this...
  2. H

    Thank God !! Company name change approved without I-140 redo(Satyender)

    No Title Congratulations buddy now you are OFF THE HOOK....wish all the BEST Hanuman
  3. H

    Invitation for Lunch/dinner from chutney for all netters

    No Title Chutney as I already mentioned earlier when we spoke, I am fine with any Venu in NJ and the weekend mentiond is also looks fine. Talk to you later Hanuman
  4. H

    company name change-- w/o REF counting...

    No Title This is how it works @VSC If you already got RFE for EMPL LTR in past six months or so YOU WILL NOT GET SECOND RFE for EMPL LTR but if you have not got any RFE then you are likely to get one for EMPL LTR just to confirm your current employer standing in supporting your petition. How...
  5. H

    Looks like I am one of the last few name change cases still not approved from Aug 99

    No Title COOL DOWN cool_bandha, it will be nice if stick around with us and NOT LEAVE US all alone by ourself on this board. I think this is our comunity and we get inspiration from each others experiance and some strength to hang in there little bit longer in this furstrating situation. I...
  6. H

    Attention Name Change VICTIMS - Just Spoke to IIO - Hanuman

    No Title Thanks desktop, srini123, AC15, mogaram, vscdec97, cs and others for support. I agree with srini123 that FOR NO REASON VSC is holding our cases and NOW is the time that we should get some good news but who knows ......??????? Any way guys I request you all to post your...
  7. H

    Attention Name Change VICTIMS - Just Spoke to IIO - Hanuman

    No Title Thanks mogaram, I really don\'t know but wish your thinking is true and i get some good news in 2 weeks. BTW I replied to RFE for EMPL LTR In Feb and was on hold since then. I asked IIO in different ways but got the same 2 weeks all the time with some positive comments. What is your...
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    Attention Name Change VICTIMS - Just Spoke to IIO - Hanuman

    No Title I HOPE SO on behalf of everyone Hanuman
  9. H

    Attention Name Change VICTIMS - Just Spoke to IIO - Hanuman

    Friends, and fellow victims of VSC\'s cruel joke in the matter of Company Name Change Cases I just spoke to IIO and Below is the responce Q :Whats going on with my case recpt # 99 275 xxxxx ??? A It looks like we received your response to our RFE few months back and let me see...
  10. H

    Hanuman, Cool_bandha, and other guys... Company name change cases.

    No Title AC21orI140, was your case on hold because of Company Name Change ??? In other words dose INS/VSC knows about the Name Change if yes then you will get an RFE if not then YOU MAY NOT GET AN RFE and directly get an approval !!! Just an observation All the best Hanuman
  11. H

    Hanuman, Cool_bandha, and other guys... Company name change cases.

    No Title Well in that case DON\'T CALL IIO .. just to trigger RFE ...just wait and watch....MY 2Cents Hanuman
  12. H

    Hanuman, Cool_bandha, and other guys... Company name change cases.

    No Title Cool_bandha, have your attorney call VSC and ask for details if they say its mailed out and you have not received it you can sk for a copy after 14 days from the date it was mailed out... Take it easy and all the best Hanuman
  13. H

    Hanuman, Cool_bandha, and other guys... Company name change cases.

    No Title rao, thats absolutly my thinking which prompt me to call INS since yesterday ....and not only that a co worker who filed in Jan 2000 from my company got approved in June and here I am still waiting !!! I am un able to understand the logic of VSC processing Company Name Change cases...
  14. H

    Hanuman, Cool_bandha, and other guys... Company name change cases.

    No Title RAO, I am trying since yesterday but NO LUCK YET...I will try whole day today to find out whats going on ????? In the mean time if you have any specific quetions to be asked please post it and I will try to get an answer If I don\'t get thru by 3:00 PM then may be I will call INS...
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    99 Aug, 99 Sep, 99 Oct NDs please register here

    No Title I am in with RFE in Jan but still waiting COMPANY NAME CHANGED and NO I-140 Ammendment ND Sept 99 Still waiting with you Hanuman
  16. H

    Company name change approval pattern

    No Title Guys we all are sick and tired of hearing BS @ VSC so please post some GOOD NEWS or INTERESTING OBSERVTION regarding LIGHT @ THE END OF THE TUNNELE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Sick Hanuman
  17. H

    Company name change approval pattern

    No Title I did my FP in Aug 2000 Hanuman
  18. H

    Company name change approval pattern

    No Title Your observation is quite logical but I think I am exception as I did receive RFE for EMPL LTR before hold but still NO APPROVAL yet !!!!!! ND Sept 99 Help me GOD Praying Hanuman
  19. H

    Can we have a count of company name changes cases who have rfe

    No Title Count me in I already have RFE in Jan Hanuman