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  1. C

    don't worry about it firo. if you got selected in dv you should follow it through. i wish i was...

    don't worry about it firo. if you got selected in dv you should follow it through. i wish i was in your place. don't listen to the scaremongers. i'm not in the US right now but i've been following the news and the statistics and it's not that bad. there always have been people living on the...
  2. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    i've lived in the US for a year and i found most of the people as friendly as anywhere else. and more polite than anywhere else. you can't deny that a lot depends on the neighborhood you're living in. in any large city there are terrible neighborhoods and good ones. i mean, how old are you? you...
  3. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    you poor thing. you're so damaged. :hug:
  4. C

    economical situation in USA

    kolja, i was not the one who suggested that you should move to SA. it was firo1234. if anything, i underlined the ludicrousness of the idea by my remark. i fully agree that US is in a very difficult economic situation. so are it's many residents. we must also remember that so are the millions...
  5. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    obviously i understood that and after my initial remark said: "but seriously,"
  6. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    for someone who arrived so recently you sure talk a lot merde. but seriously, if you want to make a real impact on people's decisions you need to share your personal experience. you keep repeating "trust me, trust me". i want to trust you but you need to tell us what kind of problems you...
  7. C

    economical situation in USA

    bmx88, you have to get up on a chair to kiss my ***, in terms of intellect : )
  8. C

    economical situation in USA

    yes, yes! he should open a vuvuzela factory!
  9. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    are you currently residing in US? if so, when did you arrive?
  10. C

    economical situation in USA

    WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!!!!! on a more serious note: so what do you think is going to happen to USA? and what solutions do you see to this problem?
  11. C

    DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

    are you sure that's your number? that sounds way off the charts.
  12. C

    economical situation in USA

    10% unemployment rate in the aftermath of a major financial crisis is not that bad. it has already happened in the 80s. there is no need for doom-mongering.
  13. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    oh, so exposing deceit helps no one? ok. i'll keep that in mind. how is claiming that middle class in America has disappeared (while the one who claims that also claims that he earns $73000) helping anyone? is that the definition of help in your part of the world?
  14. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    a scathing retort! kudos, kudos. you have now successfully reached the 5th grade level. not everyone gets there alive and not many come back to tell the story. however, i feel obliged to draw your attention to the fact that previously you were saying 'i think that the middle class is gone for...
  15. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    i must agree, kolja. any sane person reading our 'comments' would assume that, of course, mine are the stupid ones. absolutely. moreover, your English language is way more perfect than mine. who would doubt that. look at you! you're spewing neologisms each time you open your mouth. for...
  16. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    are you serious? : ) you're giving me a link to an online survey with 276 respondents as a proof? : ) haha do you have any college education at all?
  17. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    i have no idea where you people get your numbers (not that you stated any). depending on the definition of middle class it constitutes anywhere from 25% to 66% of American society. just because you, bmx88, and kolja are not part of the middle...
  18. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    lame come-back, kolja. typical, but lame. how much do you make a year and in what line of work? please, do tell. by the way, you didn't answer my question about the disappearance of the middle class. it was not rhetorical. also i have a sneaking suspicion that you don't know what 'shitting...
  19. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    don't be shitting people Kolja. what do you mean no one makes 5000$ a month in US? that's the middle class income. there's no more middle class all of a sudden? and judging by your command of English, no wonder you're not earning much and not making aboriginal friends. there are worse cases...
  20. C

    About living in the U.S. after winning the lottery

    what's the news Ronalds? did you get selected? we didn't. i know so far only one person who was selected in Latvia. no one comes here from the Baltics. so what about you?