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  1. C

    And it's now my turn to say.....

    Thanks... T-Rex & BPBJHL042002, thanks for your wishes! Cheers, Prince
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    And it's now my turn to say.....

    I've got approved.....yeah!!!!!! PD: 02/01/00 RD: 09/06/01 ND: 10/10/01 FP: 09/16/02 RFE: 11/22/02 AD: 02/05/03 My wife's and daughter's cases also have been approved! It's been great experience to be a member of this wonderful site, people helping each other, offering comfort and...
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    Approved Feb 03

    All Smilee & Namaste Congratulations and Good Luck, buddies! Enjoy the freedom. Cheers, Prince
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    Approved Feb 3, 2003

    LongLongWait Congratulations and Good Luck, Buddy! Enjoy the freedom... Cheers, Prince
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    09/06/01 RD Approved by NSC

    GCDivine Congratulations and Good Luck, Buddy! Prince
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    My case is approved on 29 Jan

    Congratulations and Good Luck! Cheers, Prince
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    Good thoughts, But true.

    Very True... While most of the Americans are very friendly on your face, still on your back, they harbour the feelings those are remnants of age old British Imperialism... Letz brush aside those views and move forward with positive thinking. Cheers, Prince.
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    Is it really worth....

    You have choices now... And as somebody pointed, eveyone case would be different. In my view, be a good person and visit your home country every year or so. Try to help your relatives back home and be in touch with them. If you practise such good behaviour, preserve your values and...
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    RE date Sep 11 approved

    Congrats! And Good Luck, Lotus! Cheers, Prince
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    Expect Flood Of Approvals By End Of This Week

    Is there any order for Approvals ? My info: PD: 02/01/00 RD: 09/06/01 ND: 10/10/01 RFE: 11/22/02 RFE RD: 12/11/02 We can only wait. What else can we do ? We don't know the order in which they are approving. ND for the user MGC who has posted today in the Rupnet seems to be couple...
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    Approvals seem fake

    Those LIN numbers... Approvals for the LIN numbers seemed to be real ones. I checked up with the INS online site. Good Luck to those guys! Cheers, Prince.
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    New Approvals

    Good Luck... to all those guys whose cases have approved! Enjoy Freedom!
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    RFE received,msg from case online

    Hi Nairji, It depends. In my case, RFE was issued on 11/22/02 and I was asked to respond within 02/14/03. Prince.
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    Emplyement RFE

    Hi igcwaiter, The freeze is only for Approvals. They continue to process and issue RFEs. But they've stopped Approvals from Mid November. Prince.
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    It is taking between 450 and 480 days... Christmas Gift from NSC

    480 days even after RFE ? PD: 02/01/00 RD: 09/06/01 ND: 10/10/01 RFE: 11/22/02 The Case status for me at the INS Web site says " On December 11, 2002, we received your response to our request for evidence or information. It is taking between 450 and 480 days for us to process this...
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    RFE Issued....

    Hi Mogh My RD is 09/06. Sorry about the typo in my original post. Rupnet updated. Thanks for your wishes, buddy!
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    RFE Issued....

    Hi troy485, The first 5 digits of my LIN # are: 02007.
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    RFE Issued....

    COLOHIO: Yes, I came to know first only from INS online Status.
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    News From Senator's Office - Suspended Adjudication

    Please see this... As per this site, there may be delays due to enhancement of Computing Facilities. But processing wouldn't be stopped altogether. Prince.
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    RFE Issued....

    Hi gcard2002, Thanks for your wishes, buddy! Yes, I'm still with the same employer. So I'm crossing my fingers... GoodLuck to you, too.