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  1. G

    Likely Chennai CP Interview in July/August 2004

    successful cp interview cp interview experience BTW i had my interview posponed from feb 04 to july 04 due to my wife's pregnancy. Landed in chennai on 13th midnight. went to lister labs 14th morning 7:30 - no queue - just some wait due to some printout problems. collected the report at...
  2. G

    Should I split the case due to pregnancy

    decided to postpone fyi ...i decided to postpone my interview to july. the consulate asked to me just let them know 2 months in advance when i requrie the interview and they will schedule it accordingly.
  3. G

    Should I split the case due to pregnancy

    I have my interview scheduled for feb 19th 2004 at chennai. my wife due to her pregnancy cannot travel until beginning of July. I have heard people doing a split case. Is there any advantage to it? I would prefer to go along with my wife in July for the interview. Would the consulate honour my...
  4. G

    any chance of preponing interview at Chennai

    I contacted the chennai consulate for a jan interview and there response was as below *** We have requested a visa number for you from the Department of State, Washington, D.C. We will schedule an appointment for you when the visa number is allocated. Note: Your immigrant visa...
  5. G

    Case Completion at NVC & CP interview

    i sent it on oct16th - then the packet came back quoting a small error in the form - i sent it back last friday and haven;t heard since :(
  6. G

    Case Completion at NVC & CP interview

    rk_0629, what kind of letter did your lawyers send the consulate? did u provide any medical records also? I am in a similar boat and trying to see if consulate will honor my request of interview in Jan (chennai consulate). BTW my case is still in NVC :( THanks!
  7. G

    NVC Case Forwarded to Consulate

    My case is similar - even worse. My case is still in NVC. My wife can't travel after end of january due to her pregnancy. So i was hoping for a Jan interview. But looks like all hopes are gone. To make matters worse, there was a typo that my lawers made in the P3 and the form was returned and...
  8. G

    postponing CP interview

    I will be sending in my P3 in a week or so (consulate - chennai) . My wife cannot travel between end jan and May. I am worried that interview will be sceduled during that time. Can i request the consulate to schedule an interview sooner or postpone the interview? has anybody had experience is...