Case Completion at NVC & CP interview


Registered Users (C)

Just wondering if there is any relationship between delayed case processing at NVC and the CP interview. Will a delayed processing at NVC mean problems at the Consulate during CP interview ??

Any experience, thoughts ??

BTW, it appears like the Consulate will accomodate our request for an interview in December after my attorney requested. The date though has not been confirmed. My case got forwarded to the Consuate only on 10/28.


Absolutely Not. Delay in processing could have been because of vacations, waiting on visa numbers etc etc. All NVC does it puts and makes sure your paper work is completed and in order
what kind of letter did your lawyers send the consulate? did u provide any medical records also? I am in a similar boat and trying to see if consulate will honor my request of interview in Jan (chennai consulate). BTW my case is still in NVC :(
When did you mail your packet3 docs to NVC? I have also mailed my docs in first week of Novemebr and am trying to contemplate how mcuh time it will take for them to send the docs to mumbai.
I desparately want my interview in Jan 04 but not sure whether it will happen as there are lot of vacations in between which may cause furhter delay.
i sent it on oct16th - then the packet came back quoting a small error in the form - i sent it back last friday and haven;t heard since :(

Like I posted on another thread, I did not produce a medical certificate to the Consulate. My attorney just sent an email requesting an interview date around 20th Dec staing my wife's medical condition- it was a simple mail.

I think it would be a better idea to let your attorney deal with the Consulate for interview requests as against you calling them or sending emails.
