NVC Case Forwarded to Consulate


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My case after full 8 weeks at NVC was sent to the Consulate over 10 days ago. Under normal circumstances Jan 04 interview maybe most likely, but since my wife is unable to travel in January we decided to request the consulate for earlier date in December for interview through our attorney.

The question is whether the Consulate will entertain any such requests ?? Any idea/experience ??

PLease extend your comment/Experience.


Hi RK,

Any reason why your case took so long at NVC. I see recently all cases going to the Consulate in 20 days. Please reply.


I will post my personal experience.

We wanted to have our Interview in November 2003 rather than December 2003 due to professional and Visa situation. I talked to Mumbai Consulate personally for 3 times, send them e-mails 4 times. My company e-mailed, faxed and mailed them reasoning behind the request, but the Consulate Officers were not ready to look at it. Ultimately on October 27, they sent me a one-liner saying I am being scheduled for an Interview in December 2003. Till today, I really don't know the specific Interview Date.

If your wife cannot attend the interview in the month of January 2004 due to a medical condition, then I will suggest that you have your lawyers sent them the letter along with Medical Condition Certificate from your Doctor. Other than this reason, atleast I have not seen any encouraging news on Interview Preponement side from Mumbai Consulate.

Finally, it is always worth trying. You never know, they can be sympathetic and will take your case in December 2003. I have seen that the responses vary from Consulate to Consulate. If yours is not Mumbai Consulate, then you could be lucky.
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My case is similar - even worse. My case is still in NVC. My wife can't travel after end of january due to her pregnancy. So i was hoping for a Jan interview. But looks like all hopes are gone. To make matters worse, there was a typo that my lawers made in the P3 and the form was returned and they are yet to submit the form back :(

I sent a mail to the consulate - if they could accomodate my case-
and did not receive any reply back from them -

Also i called up NVC and asked if they are accomodative of such cases and if they could speeden up the process. They told me that unless it is a life threatening emergency, they don't react to such requests. Also she said pregnancy does not fall in that category.

Me and my wife will be in India from end Nov to end Jan anyways - so was planning to plead to the consulate from there.

When i asked my lawyers about my situation, they just recommend that i delay the filing till a point when my wife can travel. But i would hate to postpone stuff and would like to avoid travel with kid.

Let me know how things proceed with your case.

We're all in the same boat! My wife is not permitted to travel beyond end December.

My problems are due to delays at NVC. My case at NVC took full 8 weeks for no specific reasons and on the last day of 8th week my case was completed. The very next day after case completion when I called NVC they said they can't tell when exactly my case would go to the consulate and my case was under "admin processin" and at that point I thought I can forget my case for next 4-6 weeks at least, but my attorney received a mail (within 7 days after my case completion) that the case has been forwarded to the Consulate on 10/28. I fail to understand what the operator at NVC meant when she said "admin processin".

My attorney said if my case gets forwarded to the Consulate (Singapoe) by 10/27 then there is chance that Consulate will consider our request for December interview - I do not know how that becomes possible though!!

Last week my attorney should've got in touch with the Consulate and I'll be waiting to see if the response is positive and keep you guys updated.


"Administrative Processing" is simply refer to work-in-progress at NVC including waiting security check result from FBI. Very likely, the day you called the status is not updated in their computer yet.