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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    auto remanded case Hi goodphysq: My lobor was remanded in Dec 2002 without any option offer. I have not yet heard anything since. The AVM says: 'Remanded to state'. Please let us know what kind of communication/options you have received from DOL. If i hear anything from them i'll let you...
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    California SESA Tracker

    Hey farbodf: Did you get any reason for remand. It may be clear if you have seen the letter. Or did you get any option letter?
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    Hey guys, I have a question which will give us better understanding. -- Any of you whose labor was remanded but was not given any option letter, did you get any reason for the remand? If you have seen the remand letter, then you may know. I am trying to find if there are any...
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    Rajju Loki: Not mine. My case is sitting in State level after being remanded in Dec 2002.
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    California SESA Tracker

    Dear Ajay, My case is lil worse than yours. My PR: 15-MAY-2001 DOL Date: 02-Feb-2002 Remand Date: 03-Dec-2002 ( In sufficiant advertising ) Status: Pending Feeling: Frustration and fits of anger :) Hope this will make you feel better. Anybody have a similar case...
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    Hi Bhadrinath, Thanks for writing. I actually did not get any option letter and i am not sure what the three options you get. The letter we got from DOL was that there was in-sufficient advertising and there was no option given to us and the case simply is remanded since then. What did you...
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    San Francisco Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/23/2004)

    Is this is the oldest LC case? Does anybody have any similar case like mine: My case: LC EB2/RIR SESA RD: 15-MAY-2001 DOL RD: 02-FEB-2002 Remand Date: 3-DEC-2002 Status: Pending I am not sure what is going on with my case. Any useful information will be very appreciated.