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    Surprise visit by USCIS officers!!!

    Manalive, 1. A second visit is very unlikely but don't count it out 2. A second interview is very likely and expect to be grilled. 3. Joint evidence adequate but not enough specially when they doubt the validity of ur mariage. On my second interview I had almost 8in thick documentation for...
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    notice to appear before a jugde letter, pls help!!

    Rosaque, I totally agree with BigJoe5 as u need to put emphasis on the evidence to prove a bona fide relationship/mariage. I would suggest to chase down that neighbor (do whatever u can) to get him to write down a letter (notarized) stating the true facts about you living there with ur husband...
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    Surprise visit by USCIS officers!!!

    My case was very similar to yours in a way. My 1st interview went well (even though we were seperated) and I was told to expect good news after the 1st interview. After waiting for 4 years, filing a WOM, visited by ICE and a 2nd interview that lasted over 3 hours, I thought I was doomed but all...
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    Visited by ICE

    Very long indeed. It was more of an interrogation type interview. We were separated and I was there for bout 2 hours and my wife only for 30 minutes and together for another 30 minutes. We had a lawyer present at the interview. I don't think all 130 interviews are this long only the ones...
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    Visited by ICE

    Hello Everyone, Quick updates. We had our interview which lasted 3 long hours. They were really trying to get us. I think we messed up on 1 or 2 questions but everything else was good. This was back in June. A month later I've received an RFE which I provided and sent back to USCIS. Last...
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    Visited by ICE

    immbie, yes they came 4 years after the 1st interview. Typical yes if they doubt the validity of ur marriage. malpat, I would suggest u to contact the white house as well, it worked for some, wait til u get a response from them and if it's not moving ur case any, go ahead and file the...
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    Visited by ICE

    immbie, Only been to 1 interview. 2nd interview coming up next month.
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    Visited by ICE

    realcool1, a lot of people is not the majority. I do see ur point though but unfortunately I am the exception that proves the rule, or I should say my rule; been waitin 5 years now, noone was able to help, not even the congressman, the response I got from them was case is under review, please...
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    Visited by ICE

    I don't think it is a waste time as you said. From my research and after talking to a few different lawyers, the general consensus is to wait 3 years after marriage or about 2 years after 1st interview, court tend to be a bit more lenient towards the lawsuit.
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    Visited by ICE

    Thanks a lot. I say be patient for one more year or so and then filed a mandamus lawsuit, USCIS will be forced to work on ur case. Meanwhile, contact congressman, senators, white house, FBI if name check, ombudsman and USCIS, make sure u keep documentation for everything, this will help if u...
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    Visited by ICE

    Thanks for your answers, and I apologize for the delay. Triple Citizen, I think u're right. Malpat, The reason for the delay is fraud, but we still dont know why. U're right about the mandamus but our lawyer wanted to wait it out and never filed the motion for default judgement. He thinks that...
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    Visited by ICE

    A brief summury of my case. Married to a USC 5 years ago, filed adjustment of status in 2006. Case been pending since. Filed mandamus in November 2009 and was visited by ICE at home about 2 weeks ago. They came on a Wednesday about 11am. My wife and I were at work but we had a relative stayin...
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    Case pending since 2007 at missouri pls

    I have a similar case than yours but mine has been pending since 2005. I would suggest u start writing congressman, senators and ombudsman. Wait for their responses and if your case is still pending, then consider filing a lawsuit to compel uscis to do their job. As far as DMV is concerned, all...
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    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Thanks Elmono . He did served the AUSA and I understand now that I really can't contact AUSA while I have a lawyer. I was on Pacer earlier and one of his other mandamus case got dismissed, yesterday, without predudice, for plaintiff's failure to prosecute and to comply with a court order. I had...
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    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Well you see Elmono, I have a lawyer but I am starting to think that this lawyer is nothing but a thief. My 60 days were up Jan 24th. I've been calling my lawyer since and even went to his office a couple of times but can't get ahold of him nor see him. I finally talked to him last wednesday and...
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    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    Guys, We file WOM GC on Nov 24th 2009 and Judge and AUSA received complaint on Dec 1st 2009. I believe that's when clock starts ticking but I still haven't heard anything as I believe 60 days are up (takin into account holidays). What should I do at this point? Thanks in advance 4 your time.
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    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    So I heard, very distant cousins indeed (lol)... I actually talked 2 my lawyer about this and to my surprise he said that Judge Limbaugh was WOM friendly. Hopefully he will be with my case. Anyways an AUSA has not been assigned to my case yet and we filed end of November, is this normal? Thanks...
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    just married to a green-card holder while having a "Withholding of Removal Status"

    I dont think OP has to wait for spouse to get citizenship to be able to file. OP can just have her husband to add her as his wife in the paperwork. Same scenario happened to a friend of mine who was a gc card holder and got married (wife had f1 status at the time). When he file 4 citizenship...
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    Adjustment of Status Interview

    Hey Lambchop2, I have a similar experience that you did. First interview was back in 06, we were seperated during the interview and only 1 answer didn't match out of many. I think the IO was convinced but had to check with her supervisor. I've been waitin since then for my case under review...
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    Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

    I just found out that the judge assigned to my case is Stephen Limbaugh Jr, cousin of Rush Limbaugh. Am I doomed or what?