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  1. J

    Citizenship Interview - Driver's license question - Please help

    I updated my Driver's License just 10 days before my interview to reflect the new address. IO did not ask me anything regarding the date on the drivers license and everthing went smoothly. One thing to note is that my license was already updated to reflect current address in the system. This...
  2. J

    Selective Service Letter timeline

    thanks everyone
  3. J

    Selective Service Letter timeline

    Hello - How long does it typically take for the letter from selective service to send that you did not have to register for it. I do have most of the documentation to say that I did not have to register for it but I am not sure whether I have enough time for them to send me the letter to that...
  4. J

    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    congrats psana Where do I check to see status of my fingerprints and entire file ? thanks Raj
  5. J

    Chicago IL - N-400 Timeline

    Timeline Looks like a great site with lot of details. I am from Chicago and I applied for Naturalization within last month. Below is my current timeline Timeline ---------------------------- 11-15-06: Application Sent 11-21-06: Application Received 11-21-06: Priority Date 11-21-06...