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  1. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Congrats seniors and good luck juniors! Seniors, I need your opinion. It has been one full week since the Dispatch from Delhi. Should I wait a little longer for "Received in Washington" or should I just send the US passports for U-visa stamping such that it gets there in 10 days from...
  2. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    It's a hatrick!! 3 good news in last 3 days ... Granted, Printed, and Dispatched!
  3. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Yes, it's moving again. Printed as of SEP 9!!
  4. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Granted as of 5 pm today!!! Thanks Lobogris for the update. Yeah, I am praying that the remainder of the process goes swiftly.
  5. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    It seems like I have been caught up in the backlog as well. My photos were scanned on Aug 24. It has been 2 weeks as of today and no progress at all. Who knows how much longer it will be. Any thoughts on what I should do or when I can expect to see progress? My travel dates are coming up soon :(
  6. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Seems like we did :( My Signature/Photo was scanned on Aug 24. When do you all think I will get OCI granted status?
  7. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Photo scanned today!
  8. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Thank you for the detailed response, krajah. I feel slightly better knowing that it took a week for someone else too. I'll cross my fingers and wait now.
  9. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Awesome :mad: So where is your Photo Scanned status on OCI Enquiry form? Is that permanently posted on the form or did it come one day and go away the next? Thanks!
  10. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    What's my status? Folks, I am curious about what's going on with my OCI status. I was one of the unlucky few that got some of the OCI forms back in the mail because of lack of surrender certificate (the rules have changed and re-changed now). I sent back all my OCI forms along with copies...
  11. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Cool! Keep me posted on OCI status. I mailed it today. My problem is that they returned my OCI once already. However, they kept a few papers. I did not make more copies ... just sent all papers that were returned to me, except the stuff regarding SC. I just put 2 copies of SC. Praying that...
  12. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    More good news! I will add to the good news about DC embassy. I had mailed SC with fees on July 26. Got it stamped with canceled passport today, August 10! I may be the first one on this forum to receive SC with mail submission! Now sending OCI paperwork tomorrow and hoping for the best :)
  13. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Thanks. Seems like a way to make money -- both from families as well as from people who apply in person.
  14. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Good luck. I hope you can mail your OCI papers by Friday. One question: Did they charge you $20 per person or $20 total for the both of you? Thanks!
  15. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Actually, I want to help them streamline all their processes so that others don't have to go through all this trouble. Do you guys think they will hire me as a consultant? :)
  16. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    You are right, krajah, but that's a separate issue. My problem is waste of time and money due to someone else's incompetency. My 1 month was just wasted. Now I have to send everything again because they can't make up their mind with the new rules.
  17. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    I think you forgot to include the "pain and suffering" that comes along with filing papers with Indian Govt. :) Sorry, this whole process is so screwed up that all I can do is laugh.
  18. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    I am in the same boat as you about going to India. I HAVE TO travel to India in Dec. So I took the leap of faith and booked earlier this week ... then I got a surprise from UPS this morning. Now, it's getting $150 visa or paying $250 for ticket cancellation. Given the things I have read on...
  19. G

    OCI - Washington DC Tracker

    Yeah, except under step B-1 on the site, it says: "If application is sent by post the signature should be notarized and an additional check of USD 20/- may be sent for mailing charges." That's why I was confused. What does it mean, "may be sent"? I guess it's better to be safe than sorry...