Here is the sample email ; after these email you will receive another email which will notify about the arrival of your package at DHL
በAddis Ababa የሚገኘው የአሜሪካ የቆንስላ ክፍል ከቪዛ
ማመልከቻዎችዎ ጋር የተያያዙ ሰነዶችዎን ለፖስታ አገልግሎት ሰጪያችን -
DHL አስረክቧል። ሰነዶችዎ በምዝገባዎ ወቅት ለመረጡት የፖስታ
አገልግሎት ስፍራ እየተላኩ ነው። ይህ መልዕክት በተላከልዎ በአማካይ
ከአንድ ወይንም ከሁለት የስራ ቀናት በኋላ ሰነዶችዎን ለማግኘት ይችላሉ።
የዚህን እሽግ ሂደት በሚከተለው አድራሻ መከታተል ይችላሉ
ተመላሽ ሰነድ(ዶች) ለመቀበል ስለሚያስፈልገው መታወቂያ እባክዎ በ
courier ላይ ያለውን መረጃ ይመልከቱ።
በፋይሉ ላይ ያለን መረጃ የሚከተለው ነው፥
የአመልካች ስም rolex123
የፖስፖርት ቁጥር፥ EP******
ከሰላምታ ጋር፣
የሲ.ኤስ.ሲ. የቀጠሮና የመረጃ አገልገሎት ቡድን
Hello rolex
The U.S. Department of State Consulate located in Addis
Ababa has released document related to your Visa
application to our courier DHL. The document is being
sent via the courier option you selected at registration.
The tracking number for the package is On average, it takes one to two business days for the
shipment to be available from the time you receive this
You may track the progress of this shipment at http://
For a list of identification required to receive returned
document(s), please refer to the information at https://
The data we have on file is:
Applicant Name:
Passport Number:
Best regards,
The CSC Visa Appointment and Information Service Team