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DV 2014 AOS Only

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Npts, iel.hoss, DVPerm, and any other person who has been waiting a significant couple of months without receiving IL, you guys should get in touch with your Congressman/woman and request them to contact your respective FOs and make inquiries on your behalf.
Thank you for replying to my concern. I was very hesitant to extend my I 20 after sending ds122. But now it seems like I will have no other options if I'm doing a AOS. I will have to extend my I 20?

Yes, at this stage, you have no choice but to go ahead and extend your I-20. You just have to keep your fingers crossed and hope an issue is not made (at the time of your interview) of the fact that you had already displayed immigration intent before

Does this mean extending I 20 is not safe after sending DS 122 and before sending I 485?

It's usually not a good idea since you're extending the I-20 for the purpose of adjusting status from within the US while your current status is not a dual intent status. By extending a F1 based I-20, you're re-affirming to USCIS (as at the time of that filing) that you plan on going back to your home country at the end of your stay and that you have no immigrant intent, meanwhile you've already sent in DSP-122 indicating you plan on staying in the US permanently.

Like I posted earlier, fingers crossed, an issue will not be made out of it, but it's good to be aware of possible negative consequences.
Yes exactly - the fact that you have managed to stay alive and not rely on the government in those 8 years is proof in itself. They would have a hard time saying you would have a problem on financial grounds.

Obviously - still compile financial information to support your case, and still get the I-134 if it is easy to obtain - but if you don't have that, don't stress about it.

Well, to clarify things a bit, they most likely may not have a hard time saying "No" either to someone on F1 visa who has been in the US for a considerable number of years and has been surviving purely on 'mom and dad's scholarship'. Just because the person hasn't had to rely on the government in all those years does not necessarily prove that the person will not become a public charge upon getting the GC.

Of course in Fiefia's case, I agree with your post. He should be okay if he's unable to get an affidavit of support at the end of the day.
Hi everybody,
Ten days ago I sent the cashier's check for the AOS fee payment. However, I just realized that I did not note my DV case number on the check!!!!. I included the DV case number in the information that I also sent to them, but is not on the check. They haven't mailed me back the receipt yet. Do you think this mistake could affect in anyway to my application. What should I do?

I don't think the omission will negatively impact your application. The receipt could sometimes take 2 to 4 weeks to be received. If you haven't received anything after 4 weeks, that's when you should consider emailing KCC.
I just found that my local field office moved to another place, do I have to do smth about it? Thanks in advance

Not really. Not unless you've received your IL and the letter indicates your appointment will be taking place at the old address.
Okay, teammates... So i've been all along and finally my number is current. Britsimon advised not to send the package until the 1st of march despite the new memo and I trust this advise... so I'm waiting and taking my time to pull that package together.... Currently i'm an F-1 student on OPT stem extension, working here in the US. My FO is Lawrence, MA and my ASC is Boston. Case No. 2014AF----27XXX. Received the PAID receipt from KCC, 2NL and everything. My question is as follows... If what I understand from the I-485 instructions is correct, I don't need any affidavit as I support myself here by working already right?
Oh this is good to know!
You know it's funny that I've been here for almost 8 years and I am still on a student visa, working my way from an English learning program into the PhD level. But having an F1 status doesn't allow me to work off campus, and my teaching assistantship is honestly to laugh about. But the good news is it is slightly above the Federal poverty level! :) So based on my graduate student income--albeit laughable--and based on the fact that for the past 8 years I've been able to somehow support myself (I am still alive), I can...submit my AOS application with no worries about Affidavit of Support?! :)

If I were in your shoes, I would look for a sponsor, if it's possible, bcz I have heard people got rejected just due to insufficient financial resources (the stories I have heard have been all related to Consular cases, but it may apply to your case as well). At least some sort of financial support, from your family, would be more compelling. You are not going to lose your DV for sure after all these 9 years, so I suggest you take this issue more serious.
Good luck :)
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Not really. Not unless you've received your IL and the letter indicates your appointment will be taking place at the old address.

Thanks for answer Sm1smom! No didn't get my IL yet, I'm current in march, and just sent my AOS package on 3 February and waiting for NOA)
Okay, teammates... So i've been all along and finally my number is current. Britsimon advised not to send the package until the 1st of march despite the new memo and I trust this advise... so I'm waiting and taking my time to pull that package together.... Currently i'm an F-1 student on OPT stem extension, working here in the US. My FO is Lawrence, MA and my ASC is Boston. Case No. 2014AF----27XXX. Received the PAID receipt from KCC, 2NL and everything. My question is as follows... If what I understand from the I-485 instructions is correct, I don't need any affidavit as I support myself here by working already right?

Depends on how much you're making and the financial package you're able to present to the IO at the time of the interview.
Okay, teammates... So i've been all along and finally my number is current. Britsimon advised not to send the package until the 1st of march despite the new memo and I trust this advise... so I'm waiting and taking my time to pull that package together.... Currently i'm an F-1 student on OPT stem extension, working here in the US. My FO is Lawrence, MA and my ASC is Boston. Case No. 2014AF----27XXX. Received the PAID receipt from KCC, 2NL and everything. My question is as follows... If what I understand from the I-485 instructions is correct, I don't need any affidavit as I support myself here by working already right?

If I were in your shoes, I would look for a sponsor, if it's possible, bcz I have heard people got rejected just due to insufficient financial resources (the stories I have heard have been all related to Consular cases, but it may apply to your case as well). At least some sort of financial support, from your family, would be more compelling. You are not going to lose your DV for sure after all these 9 years, so I suggest you take this issue more serious.
Good luck :)

Just want to clarify what I have said about this.

The requirement to satisfy the officer that you will not become a financial burden on the government is always there. It is not stated in DV instructions, but it is a standard requirement in every IV case. Some people are never asked about financial proof - but if you are asked, and can't provide anything, it can it can cause a denial or AP (while you get proof).

For AOS cases if someone is on a working non immigrant visa, with a good salary and and that employment is ongoing, they don't have to worry so much. If someone is on a low paid job, that is on campus and therefore might end when the studies end, they might need to go a bit further to satisfy the officer.

It is never a bad idea for any selectee to prepare a nice package of financial proof with whatever builds a good case. Employment letters, bank statements, I-134 from someone in the States or even an accountants affadavit showing Mummy and Daddy own a Greek shipping conglomerate - whatever it is that backs up what you will say when asked how you will support yourself. A nicely prepared pack of evidence and a sensible attitide/demeanour to fnancial support will go a long way towards help the CO tick the approved box. I personally wouldn't go empty handed, even though because of my age and situation (H1), I doubt I will get quizzed too greatly.
Yes, at this stage, you have no choice but to go ahead and extend your I-20. You just have to keep your fingers crossed and hope an issue is not made (at the time of your interview) of the fact that you had already displayed immigration intent before

It's usually not a good idea since you're extending the I-20 for the purpose of adjusting status from within the US while your current status is not a dual intent status. By extending a F1 based I-20, you're re-affirming to USCIS (as at the time of that filing) that you plan on going back to your home country at the end of your stay and that you have no immigrant intent, meanwhile you've already sent in DSP-122 indicating you plan on staying in the US permanently.

Like I posted earlier, fingers crossed, an issue will not be made out of it, but it's good to be aware of possible negative consequences.

Thank you sm1smom for taking your time to respond. I just hope that IO doesn't make an issue out of it. I was also thinking of CP, if doing AOS can complicate my case. Since, I might be current in summer looking at how numbers are progressing. But that might have a drawback too. I have to update my ds122 to change from AOS to CP. When do you think I can update my DS 122 after extending my I20? is it still 90 days? I might be even current during that time. Can changing from AOS to CP complicate my case. I just want to keep my options open. Either way I have to extend my I20.

Thank you again.
BTW.if I end up doing AOS, my FO will be Charlotte, NC. I haven't seen anyone claiming to do AOS from the same FO except one person from AOS 2013 thread. And her experience doesn't seem to be smooth one. It appears that Charlotte FO doesn't get to handle dv cases quite that often. This might be a disadvantage?
By the looks of it from the timeline worksheet, many people have received their IL recently. Those of you that had registered with the Status Check page, could you please verify whether you received a text or email when the IL was mailed?

No, there's no status update or notification when IL is mailed.

By the looks of it from the timeline worksheet, many people have received their IL recently. Those of you that had registered with the Status Check page, could you please verify whether you received a text or email when the IL was mailed?

Just got back from another disappointing InfoPass at Dallas field office.
Went back and spoke to the same lady I had spoken last time. This is what she says "oh I did not receive any response from my supervisor so I did not call you." I so wanted to pour my frustration and tell her does it really take more than 11 days for your supervisor to respond to his/her emails? Same as before, after waiting for 2 hours she tells me that supervisor who handles I-485 is out of office today.:mad:
Once again she said I will call you.Told her due to my previous experience with "I will call you", I need her to give me in written when can I come back this week since it takes 2 weeks in Dallas to get an InforPass appointment. I have to go back this Friday.
I give up with this field office :(


I really don't know what is wrong with these two offices but I hope that at the end of the day, we get our GC. My concern is that this lack of efficiency affects our GC which is crucial for every single one of us. Definitely follow up with your FO and let us know the update. Hopefully you hear promising news.
I am quite surprised by how most InfoPass at FO are not that helpful. I got more information from this forum than my visits to FO. Total waste of time. Had to drive hours to get there and returned with least information or infos that I already knew from this forum. Moreover, they don't give clear instructions of the steps.

BTW does anyone from this forum have FO as Charlotte, NC?
Just got back from another disappointing InfoPass at Dallas field office.
Went back and spoke to the same lady I had spoken last time. This is what she says "oh I did not receive any response from my supervisor so I did not call you." I so wanted to pour my frustration and tell her does it really take more than 11 days for your supervisor to respond to his/her emails? Same as before, after waiting for 2 hours she tells me that supervisor who handles I-485 is out of office today.:mad:
Once again she said I will call you.Told her due to my previous experience with "I will call you", I need her to give me in written when can I come back this week since it takes 2 weeks in Dallas to get an InforPass appointment. I have to go back this Friday.
I give up with this field office :(

Contact your Congressperson's and Senator's offices today. Share your frustration with them and in particular that you do not see any sign of improvement or responsiveness. This country has separate government branches for a reason; checks and balances!

You are in TX, right? I would assume your representatives would love to have an excuse to jump at a government entity for not doing their work right.
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