• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2011 Winners Report Here!

Firstly I am not talking to you. Soon you will get to know all about this. Then you will say, (I am sorry for that)

but you are talking to me now :),
and yes, if KCC indeed sent NL by FEDEX this year,
that will be a good news to all people with US Mailing Address,
and if that happen, I will APOLOGIZE to you.

so tell your brother to take picture of the Fedex Envelope and scan FEDEX Air Way Bill Document,
,heck in fact,

just ask your brother to e-mail you the Air Way Bill Number,
so we can all go to FEDEX website and TRACK Your Document OnLine.

if we see that the sender was INDEED KCC and the recipient address in in NY as you indicated,
that will be the first proof.

Second proof will be for your brother to scan the NL and e-mail it to you and you can post it online,
(after removing some confidential info from that NL first).

and then I will APOLOGIZE to you :)

Deal ?

Tracking AWB number from FEDEX please :)
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Friends, why is everyone on this page getting so emotional? Some applicants win, some don't. The only thing that can matter is if each individual applicant receives their NL - and if they don't then they have to wait until July to confirm online.

Until then - please take this opportunity to be supportive, and answer any questions for which you have an answer. Until then speculation simply does not help, and how on earth can it be at all important the order in which KCC sends the letters, and how they are numbered; to repeat IT IS NOT IMPORTANT! For each individual applicant, the only thing that matters is if you get the NL or not, and you might not find out for a while so patience is important :)
Some of us read this forum, and would be more than happy to share any information we have, but I for one would not post to this thread because it is so noisy, and full of people who are insistent that they know everything.

Keep it cool, and to everyone who has posted - best wishes, hope the letter comes through very soon (congratulations to those who have received...!)
USherifA !

Welcome (back?) to this forum :)
I see you just register yesterday, and your first post above is very "comforting" :)

Regarding Flag,

well if you read the quote from DIAFA post above,
it show that just a few days ago, the last time Diafa called KCC,
KCC told DIAFA that the NL was START sent on April 15'2010.(for all region).
Yes, Diafa do called KCC at end of March and at that time KCC said they will start sending NL early april,
but since a few days ago, KCC CHANGE their info to Diafa,
saying now they start on April 15,
based on that, I think, I can safely believe that before April 15, KCC had NOT sent any NL,
and FLAG claim to win his DV Lottery around April 2 or April 3... way before April 15...

and don't you find it strange that 2 weeks had passed since Flag claim he won his DV, and yet NO other winner had post here ?

I am an OPEN MINDED person.
I can debate and disagree with someone, in this case Diafa in some matter,
but I could also agree with someone, again in this case Diafa if I think it make sense (to me at least).

Although I DISAGREE with Diafa regarding the "all region" part,
I do believe DIAFA and KCC when they sait they START sending NL on April 15'2010.
Because it is about time and not too early base on past history.

so now I want to ask you.

Who do you BELIEVE,
if you believe Diafa that KCC start sending NL on April 15'2010, then FLAG claim is a FAKE.
But if you believe that FLAG claim is true,
then Diafa got the wrong info from KCC.

I personally believe DIAFA more than I believe FLAG.

How about you, USherifA !,

who do you believe more ? :)

ps: I see that FLAG was asking for a "phone number" :) hahaha
I would strongly recommend NOT giving your PHONE NUMBER to anybody you do NOT know on the internet, or to whom you just met on the internet.
if you need to communicate, you can start with this forum,
and if you want some privacy, you can use the PM (Private Message) Facility this forum provide for free.
if and only if you feel a direct phone call is appropriate, than you can give it to them...
but somehow, I just don't see the need to ask for a phone number...

i agree with u purity and i can see a real sense in ur advice nd warning 2 usherifa..... So usherifa, i think a word is enough 4 a wise.
I think Spurgunda is right. I do not know about the first N/L, but I know and saw that KCC sent the second (appointment date) letter by Fedex to US mailing address.. This is true.
Does anyone know if there is a option on this forums to block posts from certain members, so that it doesn't show when I'm reading this thread? I've used it on other forum boards and it really helps saves me time following the threads and I enjoy the threads more.
I think Spurgunda is right. I do not know about the first N/L, but I know and saw that KCC sent the second (appointment date) letter by Fedex to US mailing address.. This is true.

and you create this BRAND NEW ID, TODAY just to post the above :)

what matter is the FIRST NL was ONLY SENT by KCC via US MAIL for US Delivery Address.

and I had NEVER Read any poster (who really win DV Lottery) say that his/her 2nd NL was sent by Fedex.
There are cases where His/Her 2nd NL was late, and KCC e-mail the document.

Beside if you are in USA, US MAIL only need 3 or 4 days to deliver, so the advantage of faster service by Fedex do not make too much difference.

Again this is logic and common sense.

I used to post under the USA! username that was banned (but not permanently—only for a week).

You cannot imagine how sorry I am that I had to post again in this thread (or any other thread on this forum), but since beside your other "qualities" that I already commented on, you're also starting to show that you're extremely paranoid, I had to post this to dispel your, Simon2710's, and potentially others' delusions.

I must admit that you are the most annoying (and I'll skip my other impressions of you) person I've met in a long, long time. In last couple of posts, I knowingly used the kind of language that I knew will get me banned because I didn't want to post here any more—and I won't even when the ban expires.

Igorr aka USA!

do you know that you just BREAK another forum rules ?

You are NOT allowed to have 2 ID for the same person :)

ps: and you just admit that you intentionally want to get BANNED by the moderator. you actually admit here that you are a "trouble maker" :)
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Anyway, I gave my email to Spurgunda and still waiting for the confirmation!

Spurgunda I'm ready to say "sorry", just prove your words if you can :D
And by the way, I don't need the Photoshop, the FedEx number would be enough!
Purity, man!!!!! You've got some serious issues. What's all this? How will any of this help you in getting a notification letter or prevent you from getting yours.? How do you know who is lying and who is not? You think things are the same all the time? have you ever noticed that KCC on DV instructions says selected individuals will be notified between May and July? Yet you know people receive in April and even in March. Chill out! Please quit all that you are fake, you lie talk. You are beginning to send people away from the forum. Hope that is not your intention.

Moderator, you decide if he's harmful or helpful. I'll say harmful though. I only logged on to write this. Cheers.

Congrats to winners.
and you create this BRAND NEW ID, TODAY just to post the above :)

what matter is the FIRST NL was ONLY SENT by KCC via US MAIL for US Delivery Address.

and I had NEVER Read any poster (who really win DV Lottery) say that his/her 2nd NL was sent by Fedex.
There are cases where His/Her 2nd NL was late, and KCC e-mail the document.

Beside if you are in USA, US MAIL only need 3 or 4 days to deliver, so the advantage of faster service by Fedex do not make too much difference.

Again this is logic and common sense.

Purity, You think that you are smart. Please, keep silence a little bit If you are not sure of yourself. You have heard that people do not recieve the second letter by Fedex but you did not see that. I Saw some Fedex Letter (second letter I mean)
Purity, You think that you are smart. Please, keep silence a little bit If you are not sure of yourself. You have heard that people do not recieve the second letter by Fedex but you did not see that. I Saw some Fedex Letter (second letter I mean)

and on this topic we are TALKING about the FIRST NL and NOT Second NL.
I had read thousand of post here, and NONE had ever said that their SECOND NL was sent by FEDEX.

beside there are cases where the second NL was missing or late.
if KCC sent by FEDEX, KCC would simply told that DV winner to just TRACK the shipment with FEDEX,
and that DV winner will be able to find out where the second NL is... truth is that is NOT the case.
The winner will have to ask KCC again to resent the 2nd NL.

You create your ID today,
and now CLAIM you had seen people receive the second letter by Fedex.
do you have any proof to support that ? :)

just saying that you had seen it do NOT prove anything,
just like all those FAKE Claim about winning DV Lottery that now is PROVEN to be FAKE :)

on second thought, as I had posted several hours ago,

if you are taking about AOS document that was sent by KCC to DV winner who want to do AOS with Fedex,
that I will believe.

Because you had to pay FEE for AOS process,
and those Fee already cover the FEDEX shipping cost.

but KCC never shipped 2nl for CP (consular processing) to winner with US Mailing Address by FEDEX.
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Purity, man!!!!! You've got some serious issues. What's all this? How will any of this help you in getting a notification letter or prevent you from getting yours.? How do you know who is lying and who is not? You think things are the same all the time? have you ever noticed that KCC on DV instructions says selected individuals will be notified between May and July? Yet you know people receive in April and even in March. Chill out! Please quit all that you are fake, you lie talk. You are beginning to send people away from the forum. Hope that is not your intention.

Moderator, you decide if he's harmful or helpful. I'll say harmful though. I only logged on to write this. Cheers.

Congrats to winners.

All this discussion is NOT OFF TOPIC.

I do know that in the past people had receive NL as early as March,
but KCC will NEVER use FEDEX for shipping NL for OBVIOUS reason.
That is the COST factor.

FEDEX will COST at least 10 times the cost of US MAIL to ship inside USA mailing address.
so by using US Mail, KCC will be able to ship 10 NL for the same price as just shipping 1 NL if KCC use Fedex.

so let's use common sense and logic here,
there is NO way KCC will use FEDEX for NL.

When you clearly see that some OBVIOUS FAKE claim,
I do not see how it is harmful to post it here and expose the FRAUD.

People will NOT go away because of knowing the truth.

You do want to know the truth... right ?
Are you happy when people are lying to you ?
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Everything will be finished, when Spurgunda confirm the info. If not, then he is the lier! Nothing else. It's time to stop this dispute.

Let me give you guys the FINAL UNDISPUTED PROOF that

and NOT by FEDEX


Go open the link above, the official link from US Government.

Go to page 9,

and at the top of page 9 of that OFFICIAL US Government DV 2011 Lottery Instruction you will see it say:

Important Note:
Notifications to those selected in the random lottery are not sent by e-mail. Official notifications of selection

are sent by regular postal mail from the KCC
Should you receive an email notification about your E-DV selection, be aware that the message is not legitimate.
It is only after you are selected, notified by an official letter sent via postal mail, and processing begins on your case,
that you may receive follow-up email communication from the KCC. The KCC will not ask you to send money to them
by mail or by services such as Western Union.

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I think he is from different planet.

I guess, purity, you put way too much bad energy, and the thing is that you are just annoying everyone. Sometimes I agree with you but you are going too far with your comments.
Soon nobody will want to make any comments bacause of you...
Fedex or not, Winners or liers...At the end of the day seeing all this so long comments (man it's too long, and the truth is that I dont read everything, and I'm sure it's not just me) from you purity (are you scared that no one can read your posts to write them so big), makes me think that I don't care about what order, lier or not, fedex or not...How could you live being so vicious and thinking always bad things around you... Man try just for a moment to think that everything is good in this world you dont need to put yourself in that position. I'm maybe naif but I d rather be that way... Dude just chill a bit, can you?
Early morning in California, and enjoying life and to breath.

Labrea, where are you living in L.A? I'm living in DanaPoint, close to Newport and Laguna Beach. Let me know if you know someone from CA who won!
Thanks man
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I have got the picture now that second letter delivered by Fedex. Just give me email address , I will send it right away.