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affidavit support

ha-ha! you have got to be kidding me. A person signing an affidavit of support states that he/she will support you for 3 years at a 100% of poverty level.
No, thank you.
The affidavit of support (I-134) is not legally binding on the sponsor so the government cannot sue you and neither can the person who is listed in the form if you do not support them. I-864 is legally binding however the law does not allow DV applicants to utilise this form. This information is widely available. When you ask someone to fill it out, tell them its not legally binding (as per the US dept of state foreign affairs manual which consular officers use)

"a. With the required use of Form I-864, Affidavit of Support Under Section
213A of the Act, under INA 212(a)(4)© and INA 213A for so many
classes of immigrants, the use of Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, has
been reduced considerably. Nevertheless, there still are circumstances
when Form I-134 will be beneficial. This affidavit, submitted by the
applicant at your request, is not legally binding on the sponsor and should
not be accorded the same weight as Form I-864. Form I-134 should be
given consideration as one form of evidence, however, in conjunction with
the other forms of evidence mentioned below."

The above was taken from the U.S. Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 9 - Visas - relevant info from page 13 to 15
Even so, I don't think anyone would do that for a complete stranger from the internet, obviously. I know I wouldn't.
Well obviously you wouldnt, but it takes the sting out of asking someone you know to fill it out for you. It is reassuring that it wont back fire on you.
even for folks that know u,they hesitate.have friends that turned me down,another has been promising still no word with days to my interview.it will b hard to get someone just like that.still u neva know my help came tru a real unxpected source.
even for folks that know u,they hesitate.have friends that turned me down,another has been promising still no word with days to my interview.it will b hard to get someone just like that.still u neva know my help came tru a real unxpected source.

I think it takes someone with a big heart to give an affidavit of support, I think most people normally gives it out to people they are related to. One of my best friends who I grew with in the same neiborhood, went to the same primary school for eight years, went to different high schools but we were always together, went out together for a very longtime before he came to the USA in 1998, he went silent on me when I asked him for an affidavit of support in 2006. Anyway I got from my wifes cousin. I think the guy looking for I-134 should start thinking hard!!!! coz I don't think he is gonna get it over the internet.
I think it takes someone with a big heart to give an affidavit of support, I think most people normally gives it out to people they are related to. One of my best friends who I grew with in the same neiborhood, went to the same primary school for eight years, went to different high schools but we were always together, went out together for a very longtime before he came to the USA in 1998, he went silent on me when I asked him for an affidavit of support in 2006. Anyway I got from my wifes cousin. I think the guy looking for I-134 should start thinking hard!!!! coz I don't think he is gonna get it over the internet.
help me pls !!!!!!!!!!

I think you should go pray too becos what you are asking for is alot, like willis said it will take someone with a big heart to do what you are asking.
You don't need an affidavit of support if you have enough money on your own and/or a job offer
He said "if", and I believe he means that such questionable services may be available in your country as well. However, I recommend you not get involved with people who make business out of something that is either illegal or seriously frowned upon. If the consulate finds out that you payed for it, it will harm your case more than it will do good not having an affidavit at all. I suggest you try one of the options mentioned by Igmu. In your signature it says that you're an architectural drafter. Surely you must have enough education or experience then to try and find a job? I guess employers will be more willing to hire you when you tell them you stand a high chance of getting a green card, as opposed to them having to take care of sponsoring and a visa. And maybe in the meantime you will also find someone who voluntarily wants to help you with an affidavit. Good luck!
Angelot let me asked one thing,are u single applicant?If your single I don't think if u real want affidavit.I had the same problem,I was single applicant but to be in safe side I asked one of our friend family to give me affidavit.But he look like he didn't wanna give to me, so I asked if he could write just a letter, then he promised would send to me but he didn't.The good thing I had contingent plan, so I asked another guy friend of me,he was really helpful.He just write notorised letter to me and I had my bank statement n' was enough.So you may need to pray to get someone to fill affidavit of support 4 u.
He said "if", and I believe he means that such questionable services may be available in your country as well. However, I recommend you not get involved with people who make business out of something that is either illegal or seriously frowned upon. If the consulate finds out that you payed for it, it will harm your case more than it will do good not having an affidavit at all. I suggest you try one of the options mentioned by Igmu. In your signature it says that you're an architectural drafter. Surely you must have enough education or experience then to try and find a job? I guess employers will be more willing to hire you when you tell them you stand a high chance of getting a green card, as opposed to them having to take care of sponsoring and a visa. And maybe in the meantime you will also find someone who voluntarily wants to help you with an affidavit. Good luck!

thank you ! :)
i will try again for a job offer i ve send my cv and no answer