Virginia SESA Tracker

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Did you get any additional inputs on RIR vs non RIR. Also how recent is this. someone had said they were doing March 21 one week back.

As regards collective action I am all for it though not sure how effective it is.
They are working on March last week for RIR and non-RIR is in Feb.

My friend had called up and he got this info today. If they start March non-RIR after finishing March RIR it is bad news for RIR guys considering the number of 245i applications filed in March.
I think the fastest way to get going is to change my name as Roderigiuez stand in the mexican illegal queue, which has more prospects now !!
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I apologize but message was posted prematurely:
be accurate. It is the main problem. They have dedicated all resources to RIR of March and after that they will start non RIR Feb. So the present pace of clearances factors only movement in MArch RIR which does not augur well as non RIR cases could be much more relatively.
Virgina Processing March 29, 2001, EB2/RIR

Just talked to Virgina SESA. Now Processing March 29, 2001, EB2/RIR.
My priority date is April 9. Hope it gets fast.
Some bad news

Just spoke to the VA SESA, they say that they are towards the end of March, 2001 (both RIR and Non RIR) cases. That were 2000 in number.

In April thay have recd close to 10 - 11, 000 cases. The gentleman could not give the break up between RIR and Non RIR. He said it would be an optimistic approach to say that these could be cleared in 6 to 7 months or so.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that is what it is.
My RD is March\'23rd - Does it mean mine is approved

Hey all waiters ,

My RD in Virginia SESA (EB2/RIR) is March\'23rd , According to the latest updates on this site , my Virginia processing should be complete .
So, does my app. go to Phili DOL now or Virginia DOL ?? & how many more days does it take in the DOL ??

Thanx a lot,
- ravi .
I\'m talking about this \'\' - Virginia Labour itself .

What I meant is that , if U follow some messages in this discussion trail , some people mentioned that Virginia has completed processing March applications .
Richmond is doing April 3

We should take some morcha to DOL VA to get them to process the legal applications separately or start some type of premium processing like INS.. Because 18,000 applicants and if they are doing 600 per month still it will take well over 2 years to get out of VA DOL ....Guys I am serious...
YEP we need to organize to separate the legal ones

May be we should lobby with the DOL there is a DOL Website for Virginia DOL find names and numbers and convince them that we are serious and tax payers . we promote business in this critcal area

any ideas how to approach
Get organized to separate the legal one

Great, I am for it. It\'s time we should do something instead of wait for more than one year. No matter how much effect we can get, at least we tried. There are some steps we can do. The first will be: everyone write an email to the DOL VA office in Richmond. The director\'s email will be:
Tell them we want some responsive words from them: either seperate the 245i applications with nomal ones, or hire more people to speed up things. We are VA tax payers, we want to hear some solutions from them.
Email DOL

IF you check on, processing time, it\'s updated today, DOL VA is still processing the applications in March, VA is one of the worst state for LC now. It\'s going to be forever. I already sent my email out to
Please do your part.
Telephone conversation

Just spoke to VA SESA - Alexandria Office (703 813 1333 / 1334) and came to know that they are working on March 27 cases. On talking to Mr. Primmer, VA SESA - Richmond Office (804 236 2717), I came to know that they are working on April 2 cases.

All VA papers are submitted at Richmond from where they are sent to the other satelite offices. Alexandria is towards the end of their last package of papers of the March 27 batch.

Are there any other offices and if so what is there telephone number.

Best of luck, cheers and keep your heads up,

I did send an email to dol and i got a response saying that they will call me in a day or two.
Following is the text of my email.

August 16, 2001
Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject:processing of applications for Legal aliens
I am working for a company which is based in Virginia and the company has filed for my Green Card.
When I called the DOL, VA office in Richmond, I was told that since they (DOL) have received more applications in the month of April due to 245I, there is going to be long delay in the process of applications.
Now our (meaning all the legally working Hi visa holders) applications should be given priority than with those of 245I Illegal aliens.
As I was speaking to the gentleman in the DOL, VA he was telling me that most of the applications are incorrect and that its going to take lot of time.
I was also told you have hired more people for the processing of applications but still they are facing short of hands.
My best suggestion to you as tax payer and legal alien is that please divide the applications, so that legal applications can be handled separately and illegal applications can be handled separately otherwise there is going to be more illegal applications because of extension of deadline and it will be a major problem for all of us.
I know and heard that DOL in VA was the best in the country.
I hope your good offices will take some measures that make every one happy.
Thanking you

Hi Basu,
Can you please post the reply from SESA office. It will be very helpful to each one of us here if you post it as a new item in this discussion category.

Also please post any follow up messages.


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