Your expert inputs are desired on my RFE...


Registered Users (C)
I did receive a RFE for the birth certificate. I had submitted a birth certificate, though the original one what i submitted does not have any regular goverment letterhead or logo. Its just on a piece of paper, with all the details, and a stamp by some officer.

Now, INS has sent me a RFE asking me to produce the birth certificate from the proper authority or official goverment letterhead. Is it okay for me to submit affidavits from my parents on goverment stamp paper, or do i still need these ?

Anyone in this type of situation. The clock is ticking, and i need this to be sent asap. Your help is required.

I am not a lawyer, but this is my opinion about your situation.
You will have to submit one of these to satisfy INS.
1) Birth certificate from government officials in official paper.


2) Non-availability certificate from same authorities (if they can\'t provide you item #1) and affidavits from your close relatives.

in both the cases the birth date SHOULD match to the paper certificate you already given to INS.