You Must Be Careful


Registered Users (C)
One thing particularly irritating is the bad English that appears on these discussion boards lately.

Most keep lamenting about how irresponsible or rather incompetent the INS officers are. And crib that the INS officers are not doing their jobs.

How well do you conduct yourself? Can you even write / represent your comments/questions in any intelligible form that the other participants of this board understand?

Before you post messages to these boards, please do a spell/grammar check. Also read one more time to see that what you just wrote made sense.

Heck! Imagine this. If you were made the immigration officer who was supposed to make very important decisions on cases that affect the lives of people like you, how good a job would you be able to do?

PLEASE, THINK before you write and read before you post.
Messages are understandable

Take it a little easy, Rani/Amrish. Most messages here are quite readable & understandable. I\'ll take the level of English on this message board with no qualifications as it offers us the possibility of knowing where others are in their processing.
We are here to share information about INS releated issues not about English and typo

Rani and Amish, be nice, being rude doesn\'t make any sense. May God Bless you.
No Title

I can not aggree with NSC_Year6 more. Rani/Amrish, be nice to people and people will be nice to you.
I was talking to Rani and

the guys who always boss around in this site. (They seem to be so proud of how long they\'ve been using this site.)
We are NOT here to prove our English writing skill, and writing properly is not even a requirement to be a US resident. We share, we complain, we console and we encourage in this space. We shouldn\'t judge or finger point each other here.
Rani_NSC- take it easy

I think you guys are taking things very seriously. Keep your good English to yourself, People come here to exchange and share their experiences with INS. Lets not deviate from our objective here.

If it bothers you so much that you write such rude message then, I think you have a serious issue to deal with, Please go find a language forum somewhere!

Be kind.
You must be kidding

You must be kidding. You are probably smiling, relaxed, sitting back on your chair, looking at all the argumentative replying messages from all the poor souls gc waiters (including myself). That was probably your intention, to ignite the fire, and nothing more from this nonsense post of yours.

If this is not the case and if you are serious, then you need to take an english class yourself. You needed to read twice before you actually posted it. If you did, you would have realized that you are on the wrong message board. If you are so fond of teaching language ethics then tell us all how not to say *B1t(H*. If you realy like teaching english then tell us all the meaning of the word stupid (by acting as one?)
Empty Vessel makes much noice!!! Ignore them

Empty vessel makes much noice. Ignore them. Who cares about English Grammer, when people in this board are sharing their experiences and trying to help each other.

Remember people comes to this board, when there are lot of tensions in their head and looking for help. Helping should be the motto not blaming.
What the hello are you spouting?

Most of us benefit America using our tech skills, not english. Americans don\'t value King English too high.