Yes! Yes ! Yes! Approved at last! 09/25/02


Registered Users (C)
Finally, after a looong wait, I heard those sweet messages in the AVM : "This case has been approved on....". I nearly jumped w/ joy but I was in the office then, so I just let out a big, nasty grin like the cheshire cat and my officemates are all congratulating and joking around w/ me because my mood suddenly turned from somber to very ecstatic.

We are planning to go to a nightclub tomorrow, Friday night to party (since tomorrow day we need to be all accounted for in the office). Tomorrow I may enjoy a lap dance with a foxy blonde. Yahooooo!!!!

No more griping about the INS for me. Today, they are all beautiful.


RD: 09/12/2001
ND: 11/14/2001
FP: 02/01/2002

EAC 02-037-XXXXX

No RFEs.

AD: 09/25/2002

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Opps...Too excited I forgot to say thank you

To greaty-k, Rajiv Khanna and others who have been selfless in helping hopeful immigrants like me to know whats happening around, share informations or just to get a little inspiration from others' patience and endurance. Many others are still waiting and I hope for the best that their day of reckoning will also come soon.

T H A N K Y O U !!!!

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Post-approval: big hangover, but still very happy

Me and my officemates party on till dawn to celebrate my approval. As I have expected, I got the lap dance. Yihhhhaaa!!! Those big melons of her smacks my face several times and I kiss them hello. What a helluva way to let go off my steam after several months of desperate waiting!

I woke up this afternoon feeling a big headache and hungry. I dont know what went through me, but I dialed the VSC just to hear from the AVM the sweet message of approval all over again.

Thanks to all of you guys and gals!!! To all who already got approved congratulations too and to all who are still waiting, hang in there and your time will come sooner or later. Patience is still the key to this long waiting game.

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: