Yaswanth01\'s AC21 Jan\'01 ND RFE Case - APPROVED !!!!!!


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Finally, I heard the magic words "This case has been approved...". I have been active/passive member of this site for about 2 years now. I visit this site about 10/15 times a day (NOT KIDDING). It is truly an amazing site. I thank Rajeev Khanna and his associates for maintaining this wonderful site. Also, I thank you guys ..thank you all for your input and help.

My details
same as Yak&Yeti\'s case except the PD.

PD Mar\'99
RD 19Jan2001
ND 29Jan2001
FP 01May2001
Switched jobs Nov2001
RFE 15Oct2001 (biographic info and Employment letter)
RFE reponse 17Nov2001
AVM updated 30Nov2001
Approved 04DEC2001

My Gcard journey had started in March\'99. My labor was cleared in 3 months and my I140 took 14 months. My company name has been changed at that time and I filed I485 with the new company name. I changed jobs in November using AC21. I thought of keeping quiet and alas !!! INS sent me an RFE for employment and biographic info. So, I had to notify INS about the new employment. Honestly at that point, I thought they would transfer my case to Local INS as it has been the case in some of the cases, considering my luck with I140. I prepared myself mentally for that. On 4th INS GODS blessed me and hence the approval.

When the guys who got their approvals said on this board "Hang in there..it is just matter of time" I said to myself that it was easy for them to say. The "hang in" was infact a torture, especially in this market situation. But after I saw people who got approvals (typical Oct 99 cases) in 2/3 yrs time, I got inspired out of their strength. It is a great feeling to be free to decide your future. You will forget the whole ordeal that day you get the APPROVAL.

Good luck guys.


Finally its over...Mine also approved on 12/4
My RD 1/8 and ND 1/16/01 and FP:5/01 FRE 10/9 AD 12/4

Enjoy the occation.
No Title

Hi Yaswanth, You gave me a big hope. Enjoy the freedom. Hope I will also get the same approval.

Yaswanth01: Congratulations man!!!! That a great NEWS!!! Enjoy your freedom and welcome to PP stamping community :).

Thanks Yak&Yeti - Question though

My wife is in INDIA at the moment and she will be back in March. What is procedure to get hepassport stamped ?? Would they stamp it at the port of entry ?? Any input is appreciated.
Congratulations Yashwanth01

Good to hear that you were approved too. I also got approved yesterday and I think my RFE was same as yours.
Hi guys

Congratulations on your approvals! But I have a question for those who got RFEs: Did you submit the employment letter when you filed 485? Do you know why they asked for the documents again if they were already included in the original package? Only because it\'s been a long time and they want to double check? If so, they would send RFE to everybody, right?

Thanks for your insights!

Sorry I am not sure..but I think they stamp at the port of entry. Have you sent her approval notice to her in india ?? Maybe she will need it at the port of entry.
The best bet would be to ask your lawyer.

Read this Yashwanth01 for your wife\'s case

Congrats first on your freedom.

For your wife\'s case please go to Murthy.com and search some old transcripts of chat. Lot of people have asked this question in past and from what i remember she will be paroled in but since her case is approved after she gets passport stamped she will have to go back and show the stamp to INS authority on airport or something like that. Please read the transcripts. If you have doubt then contact a attorney.

Read this Yeshwantha for your wife\'s case

Congrats first on your freedom.

For your wife\'s case please go to Murthy.com and search some old transcripts of chat. Lot of people have asked this question in past and from what i remember she will be paroled in but since her case is approved after she gets passport stamped she will have to go back and show the stamp to INS authority on airport or something like that. Please read the transcripts. If you have doubt then contact a attorney.

Yaswanth01--- When you changed employer, did you change your lawyer--Please respond.

How did it work?
Thanks in advance

Hi Yaswanth have you sent the employment letter from the new employer or from the old employer. If possible can you also outline the content of the letter.
With the same lawyer.

Was fortunate to get his services from old employer. I did send the employment letter from the new employer. Lawyer remained the same.