Yahoooooooo!!!! Approved per AVM, on


Registered Users (C)
I still cannot believe it (Sorry for the stereotyped statement), but it is true (at least based on what I heard on the AVM). I just heard the message on the AVM a coupla hours ago. Now it is our nature not to believe loooooooonnnng awaited good news till v c it in riting, but what the heck, since it gives the same msg 4 both my wife and I (diff.. WAC #s), hopefully it has got to be true.

It was beginning to get so discouraging after reading about folk\'s approval msgs reg. 485 apps with WAC\'s after mine, or PDs after mine or NDs after mine, or FPs after mine. Anyhoo, my WAC # is WAC-01-264-57### and my wife\'s is WAC-01-264-58###. We r approved today...

Needless to say, the feeling is liberating. I no how hard it is,...believe me I no, and I sincerely hope from the bottom of my heart, that each and everyone of u get it verry, verrry soon.

Good luck!!!

I wonder how many days is the smile going to be in your face. I\'ve noticed that people who get Green Card have a lasting smile. It is a liberating feeling as you say, stress goes considerably down. Hope anyone still waiting gets to feel this soon.
SonofIndia, Huracan, DesinDistress Thanks...

Hey SonofIndia, I saw yr support of my msg a few days ago to Mera... Thanks for that, and I sincerely hope you get ur approval really soon. God knows, I know how hard the wait is.

Huracan, I believe u r already approved rite? so, congrats 2 u and thx 4 comin back to the board to answer all our ???. V here really need it. u r rite, there is nothing that can wipe the smile off me face at this point. ;-)). Yo ho Ho and a bottle of RUM (as good ole\' Cap\'n Haddock used to say from the TinTin comics),

Hey, DesiNDistress, I have read some of your messages and I know where u r coming frm. I really hope u get your GC soon (at least get some \'real\' answers).

rsrgc, Dee Rod - Thx 4 giving so many guys hope and something to cling on to which is, (very possibly) based on reality. Hope u guys get your\'s soon....

Best of luck. .....

No Title


Congratulations. Can you please let us know what is your FPScheduled location, AD, Country, EB? for tracking purpose?

Sure PCee, here goes...

FP Location: Santa Ana
Scheduled and done on 11/23/2001
Country: India
AD: Interestingly the AVM said "Approved on March 6th". Hmmm.. when I called the CSC on March 6th, I got the msg that they were closed due to an emergency, so I hope that my approval is for real. It would be a real let down if this turned out to be one of those KLPD situations (if you know what I mean).

Anyway, I am waiting for the actual notices to come in hand and will update it here when I get them. Hey, by the way PCee, I think you have, and continue to really provide a superb service to all of us guys in this journey. Thank you for that. I hope you get your approval really soon. I will wait to hear that news from you...

Till then, Best of Luck to everyone (me included)

You bet I will

especially the silver sands of Colva beach and the lovely waters of Miramar beach and of course calangute as well. Thanks for your good wishes. Best of luck to you too...
Hey Sid

You did\'nt talk about the Kaju Feni and the Coconut Feni and the shrimp Balichow and the Vindaloo

Right on baby

You are a man after my own heart rsrgc. Of course how can one do GOA without including their assorted fenis and their traditional vindaloos and sorpotaels...time to PARTAY!!!!
You are right

I got approved about a couple of weeks ago. It is even a greater pleasure now to visit the website and contributing with the little I have learned so far.
Take care.
No Title


Thanks for the info.

May be the emergency was to approve your case on that day and they closed all other businesses for this purpose :) just kidding... I am very confident that your approval is real and you will receive your approval notice tomorrow or Monday.

Good luck