YAHOOOO!!!! Approved within 10 days after replying to RFE

Congrats Javed - Questions about RFE

Congrats Javed! - You must be hugely relieved. I\'m in a similar position and I would appreciate if you could give me some info.
1. After you switched jobs did you send INS any letters regarding your new job or did you respond only after they sent the RFE?
2. Did you have the same lawyer after changing jobs or did u get a new one? In case u changed lawyers did u inform INS about it?
3. Did u get a copy of the RFE too or was it sent only to the lawyer?
I am kind of in a similar position and your info would really help me in making decisions.


Hi, congrats. Was the RFE sent directly to you, or to your lawyer first? Because it looked like you received it pretty soon. Was that you or your lawyer respond to it? Thank you!
I never switched jobs during the entire process. The RFE was sent to my lawyer and never received ev

RFE was sent to my lawyer. He informed me the day he received it. I turned in the information reques
