Yahooo..... Finally Approved....!!!


Registered Users (C)
Hello All,

After all these years and all this wait I finally got approved. I had eventually given up all hopes for getting my pp stamped. But, I really feel all this wait was worth it.! :)

I had stopped doing the online check weeks ago... thought it was no use to have your blood pressure up and down. I got the mail on last Saturday and got it stamped yesterday...!! I had no troubles at the stamping office at Arlington, VA. The officer called me and took my index fingerprint... thats it... no questions asked. But, I had to wait about 5 hours in tota from the time I stood outside the office till I had the pp stamped... it was a short wait after all these years of wait...:)

So, eventually I am free from all this botheration. I sincerely thank you all in here to help me going thru the wait stage. I really believe the support we give each other is more comforting. I will be logging in off and on to check on my old buddys... hope we all get out of here FAST..:)

I wish you all the best.:)

Cheers.!! :)
Good Luck to You Thin Patience

Seems like you are a Sept RD. What is your RD in Sept?