***** Yahooo Approved ******* GC_KA_CHAKKAR IS OVER


Registered Users (C)
Hi Friends

My Case has been approved today June 28th 2004.

I am very happy and my fingers are shivering as I am keying in.
My RD is Apr 2 2002
I did my 2nd FP in Newark on 15th May 2004.
SO almost after 27 months, I am able to see which Me and my family has been waiting for long time.
After all what I have gone through, I am very releived
Thanks to God , It was because of him we sailed thru this.
It gives me same feeling when I heard my SSC and HSC results.
Look like I passed one of the important phase of my life.
Now I can move with other priorities
Have a India trip, spend some time with my parents
Go in evening hug my wife and baby !!!!!!!
Visit a temple today evening, AlMIGHTY my sincere thanks to him,(I had been yesterday at Bridgewater NJ)
Helps my friends who need some help !!!!!!
Pray for my friendsw who are waiting long for GC
At this point I am asking God to show all my Fellow GC waiters they day have been waiting for
I really wish all of you fast approval
I am sure everyone will be there and pretty soon !!!!!!!!

Appreciate all my fellow members help
Thanks to my buddies EDISON_NJ, rblmc, bhankas, Sam022007 and everyone of you there

Thanks a million to Rajiv

and finally THANKS A MILLION TO ALMIGHTY !!!!!!!!!

Congrats ... and thanks for all the prayers... for others ...

Good Luck .. and enjoy the feeling of releif..
:) I'm glad for you!

:) Congratulations!

Go in evening hug my wife and baby !!!!!!!
Sure, you can even allow yourself another baby.

My RD is Apr 2 2002
I did my 2nd FP in Newark on 15th May 2004.

My dates are so close to yours that I wish to believe that this is a trend
(RD: Apr 25, 2002
FP2: May 20, 2004)

Good luck, my friend!

But again why do you have to be so emotional as if you have hit the lottery or got away from a dreadful disease. Enjoy life with what you have :). Nothing to be personal, but kinda felt that your emtions appeared to give the sense that GC is everything !!!.
Congratulations GC_KA_CHAKKAR.

I am very happy for you and can imagine you excitment and happiness.

i also did my fp2 on 15th may. lets c when i will see the light.
Hey Great news dude!

Finally one more guy in our group got approved... I hope I am next :rolleyes:

I wish you and your family all the best for the future! Enjoy the life that you got after lot of struggle:)


I see that you are from NJ. Hope to see more NJ April 2002 filers being approved. My date is also close to yours..

Have a great long weekend!!

Congratulations on your GC approval. Can you tell me if you got to know of your approval from the website or lawyer or thru email ?

Congrats again. Im happy for you. I hope everyone gets approved soon.
All of you
I wish All the best for your Speedy Approval !!!

I saw Status online and then mu wife checked EMail !!!

No news from my lawyer