wrong COUNTRY OF ORIGIN listed on green card !!!

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Joef, ask a black man if he likes to be called a ni_ _ er. My friend, he'll throttle you. I am German and take it as an insult!

Joef, i would like to add the 2 trolls, jahrki and porki to a "kill file". Hadron mentioned something about a "kill file" -- What is it.
Thanks for the clarification on "kill file".

Joef, calling someone a ni _ _ er is not acceptable. The fact that black people call themselves ni _ _ er is an indictment. Most educated african americans are embarassed and offended when they hear that crap!
Rap and Hip-Hop are not the cultural norm in America. Thank God.

Calling someone a "Kraut" is an insult (racial discrimination) whether you like it or not. Has nothing to do with "beauty in the eye of the beholder." Having lived in Europe you should know that.

If my co-worker would call me that, I would file a suit and win. That's America for ya!

I certainly don't call people ni _ _ ers and Krauts in my line of work. Do you? ;)

.... und Tschuss
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Guys, get a hold of yourself. This is getting embarassing.

This thread started out pretty funny, somebody from Austria got 'french Polynesia' stamped into his/her green-card.

How did you idiots manage to get into the realm of Godwin's law ?
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JoeF said:
You make an elephant out of a fly.
In particular, you focus on this word "kraut" which generally is not even considered an insult or a derogative word anymore.

JoeF, With all due respect to your intelligence, you need to understand that insult is a standard set by the person it is addressed to. Since when did they give you the authority to decide what is considered insulting? What you said was certainly insulting, and it takes a brave man to accept his failure and apologize. We are waiting to hear it from you for all your antics....

Vote Bush '04
While you are about advising, may as well apologize for unprovoked language, even if in a tongue verstanden only by the wenige.
You do me an injustice mate. I wish nothing other than the fact that you realize what the idiom about the pot calling the kettle black means. The pleasure of your enlightenment would have been entirely mine. Meanwhile, I shall probably have to content myself with your amusing attempt at a display of your antecedents. :(
Agree with gorf.
Why try to justify as acceptable what obviously isn't? Racial references have no shades of gray (Now, if THAT isn't Freudian, I dunno what is! :D).

I tell you why. Joef knows better than me and I am German. I know what's offensive in my language and culture.

Joef, to be credible you should be more humble. You can't know what is offensive in another culture.

I don't have any idea what people from India find offensive AND I DON'T CLAIM TO KNOW.

Joef, you are pretty good when it comes imigration but leave Germanic studies alone ;)
Joef, I can't believe you're researching this :)
It ain't scientific. Just like your statement about African Americans and the usage of the word N i _ _ e r. Let's see, if John Kerry would use the word N I _ _ er his political career would be over. Case closed.

JoeF you ARE a babbler :)
niladri30, JoeF and Jharkhandi, If you guys are done fighting with everyone else, could we get back to discussing immigration?

Much Thanks.

Vote Bush '04
niladri30, JoeF, Jharkhandi and M101, If you guys are done fighting with everyone else, could we get back to discussing immigration?

Much Thanks.

Vote Bush '04

Meine Guete! Gib dir doch mal einen Ruck! Ich muss dir sagen, dass du dich in der Tat wie einer aus der dritten Welt ausdrueckst. Du bist wahrscheinlich ein Mensch der mit einem gorssen Minderwertigkeitskomplex lebt. Deshalb, such dir doch ein anderes Hobby und hoer doch auf Leute zu beleidigen -- dur armer Mensch ;)

That was very funny. I haven't heard the term "Kruzituercken" in many years. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. One of those moments, you know....
How long were you in Bavaria?
gorf said:

Meine Guete! Gib dir doch mal einen Ruck! Ich muss dir sagen, dass du dich in der Tat wie einer aus der dritten Welt ausdrueckst. Du bist wahrscheinlich ein Mensch der mit einem gorssen Minderwertigkeitskomplex lebt. Deshalb, such dir doch ein anderes Hobby und hoer doch auf Leute zu beleidigen -- dur armer Mensch ;)

That was very funny. I haven't heard the term "Kruzituercken" in many years. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face. One of those moments, you know....
How long were you in Bavaria?

Bavaria? You mean Boravali? We all know that JoeF is from India. He has this hatred for Indian things and Indian things, hence his attempt to hide is roots of origin by using western names like JoeF and imaging that he has German ties. The only German ties he probably has is BevMo.

Vote Bush '04
JoeF = JohnKerry. Same person, different IDs. JoeF is proven he hates India because he of his words and his futile attempt to pretend to be western. JoeF aka JohnKerry is from India.

Vote Bush '04
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