wrong COUNTRY OF ORIGIN listed on green card !!!

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New Member
I got my green card in the mail and noticed that a wrong country (French Polynesia) was listed as my country of origin (although I made sure all my documents always listed my correct country of origin which is Austria).

First I called USCIS just to find out that to have this corrected I would have to file the i-90 again (the fee would be waived since it is the issuers mistake), I would also need some more papers and pictures and then get a temporary green card (?!?) and most likely in about a year I would receive the corrected green card.
Since my green card status is conditional for the next 2 years and I will receive a permanent green card in 2 years I just decided to not go through all the hassles with appointments at the immigration office all over again and again...

So my question now is: Am I going to have any problems when travelling internationally (e.g. to Europe this winter) and re-entering the US with an Austrian passport and a Green Card that lists that my country of origin is French Polynesia?
Das ist ganze schoen bloed! The data entry guys sind so idiotisch dass sie nicht mal den unterschied zwischen Austria und Australien / Pazific kennen. :confused:
Was soll man halt schon von denen erwarten. Die meisten Leute hier warten Jahre auf ihre Karte, nur um dann heraus zu finden dass was nicht damit stimmt.

Even though this stinks for you, it is still very funny.

Thanks for posting this.
I could understand Austria and Australia, the US TV news anchors get that wrong all the time, but French Polynesia !!
French Polynesia is probably right next to Australia on their computer screen...... The dodo either didn't read carefully or he doesn't know the difference.

Good day mate!

Unglaublich!!!! :)
gorf said:
Das ist ganze schoen bloed! The data entry guys sind so idiotisch dass sie nicht mal den unterschied zwischen Austria und Australien / Pazific kennen. :confused:
Was soll man halt schon von denen erwarten. Die meisten Leute hier warten Jahre auf ihre Karte, nur um dann heraus zu finden dass was nicht damit stimmt.

Even though this stinks for you, it is still very funny.

Thanks for posting this.
for us non-kraut aryans, would you awfully mind translating?
for instance, does "Das ist ganze schoen bloed" mean "this is bloody good?" or, is it "this is good blood?", the latter, i take it, being some quaint teutonism? of course, either one still does not account for the "ganze"...
Paul Watzlawicks book is indeed the best 'user's guide' to the US I have found so far. I believe he is a psychiatrist or analyst which qualifies him pretty well to observe all the little quirks in our american hosts.

I particularly liked the part that read something like :'the moment you enter the US you will enter a total information vacuum. Although there is 24hr news coverage, it seldomly covers any events beyond the borders of the US'
I agree with JoeF on the ganz schön. I would spell it without the "e" though... I notice JoeF corrected that.

However, have an academic question: Should one translate "nicht damit stimmt" as "nothing correct with (about) it" or "(something) not correct with it" ?

Just askin! Spirit of inquiry only:)
> nothing correct with (about) it" or "(something) not correct with it" ?

The latter.

You also have to keep in mind that we are talking about some stuff written in the austrian dialect here, not neccessarily adhering to the published grammar for the language.
Ich glaube daß wir über diesen Thema genug reden haben.
Bevor wir mehr Umstände machen: Wir haben stundenlang die Sprcahe diskutiert. Was für French Polynesia? Warheit ist, allen haben ganz vergessen! :D Nicht war?
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niladri30 said:
Ich glaube daß wir über diesen topic genug reden haben.
Bevor wir mehr Umstände machen: Wir haben stundenlang die Sprcahe diskutiert. Was für French Polynesia? Warheit ist, allen haben ganz vergessen! :D Nicht war?

Wenige verstehen Ihren Unsinn. Schließen Sie so das Bumsen, und sprechen Sie auf englisch.

Stimme Bush '04
> and when they speak Swiss-German, I don't understand a word

Well, swiss-german is not a dialect, it is pretty much a separate language (the kids have 'regular' german in school as a separate subject)

don't waste your breath on the known troll around here. Since I discovered the beauties of the 'killfile' option on this board, my online-life has become so much easier.
gorf said:

Du kleiner Drecksack! Do you want to be called a "towell-head?"
You probably call African-American people ni _ _ ers!
Go back home -- you redneck!

If you have guts you let us know what YOUR country of origin is. Let's see, maybe people will insult you too? ;)

By the way..... Joef is intellectually above most of ya'll.

"Die Sprache ist die Tur zum Herzen!" Don't mock other languages. Grow up!

Please elaborate how and where porkchop was racist, maybe I am not getting your point of view. He/she must have crossed limits which invited so many attacks and grouping on board. Excuse me of my ignorance, maybe we can learn something here.
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JoeF said:
Neither... "Ganz schoen" means "really" in this context. The word-for-word translation engine of Babelfish doesn't quite pick that up.
A friend once pointed me to a travel agency website in Paris, and they apparently had their website translated by Babelfish. It was weird as hell in all languages I know. The Louvre was translated as louver, and stuff like that...
Anyway, since I do translations quite a bit for friends, here is one: "That is really stupid! The data entry guys are so idiotic that they don't even know the difference between Austria and Australia/Pacific. What else can you expect from them? Most people here wait years for their card, only to find out that something's wrong with it."
thanks, joe. i admit i was being facetious when i did my initial post, with an ethnic slur or two thrown in (can't do without that, can we?). but i admire your patience and fortitude with which you comport yourself in these fora.

while i am obviously not up on my teutonisms (i wonder if that even is a real word), but here's an americanism i picked up out here in cornfields of iowa: have a good one!
gorf said:

Du kleiner Drecksack! Do you want to be called a "towell-head?"
You probably call African-American people ni _ _ ers!
Go back home -- you redneck!

Guys, Give up the ethnic name calling. Once you go down that slippery slope, it gets nasty for every one.

Vote Bush '04

Please go ahead - tell me something - what was so offending? I am yet to understand your angle. As far as I know - JoeF is NOT a racist. It will be a shame if people hit him with racist slurs. But I am yet to understand your perspective - would you talk please?
gorf said:

Du kleiner Drecksack! Do you want to be called a "towell-head?"
You probably call African-American people ni _ _ ers!
Go back home -- you redneck!

If you have guts you let us know what YOUR country of origin is. Let's see, maybe people will insult you too? ;)

By the way..... Joef is intellectually above most of ya'll.

"Die Sprache ist die Tur zum Herzen!" Don't mock other languages. Grow up!
you just perpetuated a cherished stereotype: krauts have no sense of humor.

i would never insult african-american people: they have a great sense of rhythm.

if i were a redneck and was to be sent home (as per your request), then i would have to stay right here, won't i?

as for my country of origin, ye shall never know (unless you look up about dozen or two earlier posts of mine where i make references to my country of origin). and if you feel obliged to cast aspersions on my national origins, then, in the immortal words of the pack's alpha-male, "bring it on".

"freesprachen schtunk"* - not**!

* for this obscure refence, you'll have to watch the 1939 classic movie, The Great Dictator, starring charlie chaplin.

** to learn more about this curious turn of phrase, you'll have to watch the 1992 classic movie, Wayne's World, starring mike myers, dana carvey et. al.
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JoeF said:
Oh, I am not overly sensitive on that front... Besides, I think I have never stated my nationality here, anyway. I obviously speak German, and I lived in Germany. But German is spoken in countries bordering Germany other than Austria and Switzerland as well, e.g., Denmark, Luxembourg, the Alsace region of France, the northern part of Italy, etc. Even in Russia there is a German minority, although Stalin tried hard to eradicate them...
Tschuess, ciao, salut.

JoeF, your nationality was declared by... YOU! Go back and search all the posts and find the one where you said you are from INDIA. And maybe, delete that post to hide your nationality as you do with your ID, which tries to give an impression that you are American, which you clearly are not.

JoeF, you are a blabbering Joker.

Vote Bush '04
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