written decision has been mailed


Registered Users (C)
I heard on AVM that a written decision has been mailed regarding the case. How long will it take to receive the mail from INS. Is it a Denial notice?
You will get it within a week (Max 14 days)

But please remember that AVM is not correct in the past few days.

Also from reading many posts similar to yours, I think it could be denial(only if the AVM was right). Also did you apply before your priority date became current? This is one of the major reason(or the only reason I have seen here) for denial.
if i applied before PD become current, what should I do to rectify it.Do i need to re-start entire i-485 process again? It has been a week i heard on AVM and attorney still haven't received any mail from INS. How long will it take to receive that mail. I verifed AVM again this morning. Please advise.
What are ur details? Can u post ur details? I agree with toooldtowait.... Anyhow we can't sure about the AVM. U try to call INS and talk to IIO. You may get some information about ur case....
I has the similar problem. Myne the reason was INS screwed up the dates and gave me a month prior date as receipt date. Stupid of me I listened to Lawyer and didn't file another 485 immiditely instead filed a motion giving them all the check and medical reports which were dated later than receiot date still INS didn't approve So after 6 months I had to file for 485 again. So, if the reason for deniel is "Application Received prior to current date " better file for another 485 immeditely .

Good Luck
BHASK can I contact you PLEASE. I don't know the reason of then WRITTEN DECISION yet, but guessing PD problem. I haven't seen the notice yet. How Long DID it take for you to receive the notice from INS ? For me I am hearing message since one week.
How Long ?. I guess if you don't receive the notice in 10 days you better call them ask them to send again. Because in my wife case we never received the denieal notice finally after repeated calls they mailed me returned leeter which didn't have TO address written on it. YEAH you can contact me if you need any more help. But wait for the notice first. Did you really apply prior to current date?.

I have similar problem


My RD is June 13 '01 . I had filed on July 13 '01. They printed RD incorrectly on my Receipt Notice. I sent copies of fedex receipt and checks to them and they said that they will make a note of it in my file stating that the RD was printed incorrectly. Now I dont' know what to do. I told my lawyer and they said nothing to worry since they go by ND and not RD. That's what IIO also told me when a last talked to them. My Birth certificate was created on June 18 and I have one affidavit of birth which also was created on June 21. There is absolutely no way in which RD can be June 13 except for a typo. Medical exam was done in July.

Is it possible to file 485 again even though one is pending ? Is this allowed ? Can I file one now. I haven't heard any AVM change till now but looking with your experience I am not very positive now.

I filed on time, signed the papers dated in July'01. Any dumb person would look at all the evidence and tell that there must have been a typo in printing RD. How can they deny for such a flimsy reason. Doesn't this also become a ground for suig INS if they do deny ?

Please respond ASAP
Another question


When you refiled did you have to refile for EAD or did you continue to have the same EAD as prior for employment. Please throw some light on portability of EAD issue.

Priority Date

For Indians PD bacame current for EB3 on july 2001 and for EB2 some time in Feb 2001 ( I am not sure)
Thanks everyone for responding.

Bhask, i will wait for two more days and call INS and will ask them to resend the notice.
If I have to re-file I-485, do I need to take medicals again ?
Do I need to wait again for one year for approval ? Please advise.
Meanwhile if you don't mind Bhask, can I contact you so that I will get an idea and i will prepare necessary documents without any further delay. I really appreciate your help in this matter.

Actually for India EB2 Priority Dates became current in May 01.
I remember that in June/July 2001 there was a frontlog problem and NSC was taking almost 2 months to issue receipts. Maybe that's why they screwed up.
You could appeal your case or re-file. However, I have heard that the appeals process is quite frustrating and can take a long time. In your case even though you seem to have valid grounds for a succesful appeal, you should re-file I-485 as quickly as possible. That is probably going to be faster. I hope that you are still on a H1 or else you could be out of status. Remember that EAD/ AP are invalidated as soon as your I-485 is adjudicated. Find a competent attorney to handle your case.
Good luck.
about wife's status

I am on H1 and have one more year left on it. Wife has valid H4 for one year but she is using EAD to work. What will happen to her "status" if 485 is denied ?
Nachos. If I refile i-485, how long will it take. I mean do I have to wait again till my new receipt date becomes current ?
Jar11: My first 485 was denied on Jan 2001 then My lawyer said because its INS clerical mistake we don't need to file another 485 he didn't even file a motion instead he just sent a letter to INS pointing out the mistake , after 2,3 months after calling INSrepeatedly finally one nice lady told me that even if its INS mistake we need to file motion to re consider the case then I had to tell my lawyer to file a motion then he did even at that time I asked him to file anothe 485 still he didn't think I need another 485 mean time I continued to work on old 485 even after motion I didn't receive any reply So, I contacted Senator (In august) then they told that since Motion was not filed immedietely the decision was againest me even though its their mistake ( waht can we say about INS rules). So in Sept 2001 I file another 485 with $1000 fine for me and my wife becasue we continued to work on EAD after deniel. after 6 motnhs again I contacted Senator to see if they can help me because I have already gone thru process once but I was told its not their problem my new 485 will be worked on whenever they start processing Sept 2001. Thats the just a short story. When I posted in this website for help at that time nobody replied or helped (Badluck I guess). I can understand your pain .you can contact me at bvontikommu@hotmail.com

if you need any more help.
