Writing to senetor about Delayed 485


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I am waiting for 485 approval . RD 07/00 ND 08/00. Though NSC is processing RD 09/00 , they somehow left my
case. Is it of any use contacting politicians about this. I know that these are troubled times.
But keeping quiet won\'t help either.

Your opinions please .......
You better not..!

You better not do anything, just wait, they got bigger fish to fry at this time. Be on your gaurd, so that they don\'t smoke you out of your hole.
Called NSC at noon today...

Til, I have the same RD & ND as you and the IIO told me that my case is still "pending". I am also conteplating writing my senator but I am going to wait another week 2 weeks to see if my case get assigned. If not, then I will write him. Good luck if you decide to write them now.
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Writing to senator should help. Better yet, first call them. They have a separate immigration section. Talk to someone there first. He/she will automatically tell you to fax them your 485 receipt, and then create a file on you. They will then find out from INS if your case is delayed or not. Then get an estimate of how long it will take.
You can also try the congressional representative\'s office. They are also helpful. try both.
i got my approval a week after I called senator\'s office. May not be cause and action relation in my case, as I was already very near approval at that time
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I don\'t remember now, as the processing time kept changing from 560 days to 460 days to 360 days etc. But I know it was past the time it said on AVM. It was on 24th may of this year that I got approved. I had called senator 10 days before.
Which Senator did you contact

What senator did you contact? Can you tell me their phone number. Thanks.
INS Audit

Given that the INS is going to have their annual audit starting October 1, 2001,(as per www.shusterman.com) I\'ve decided to go ahead and write my senator. All this audit is going to do is give the INS another reason not to process cases in a timely manner like they should.
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I live in detroit, I contacted debbie stabenow\'s office in lansing, michigan.
I also contacted ( earlier) local congress woman\'s office for wayne county ( where I stay)
count from RD or ND?

The processing time is counted from Rd or Nd?

IIO told me to hear from them within the next 30 days, which I\'m
tired of getting such answers.