Wow..!!!. It is my Turn now. Yes it is approved

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My lawyer says he did not receive the original copy from the INS so far. But I have received the courtesy copy today. Should I go and try PP stamping this wednesday or not?

Gurus Help please.

The courtesy copy says "Please take this notice, your departure record and two photos bla bla....".

So it looks like the courtesy copy is enough to get the stamping done.

Gurus help is really appreciated. I am in a critical time since my ead did not get nenewed in proper time and hence my client asked me not to work for the past two months. I am still holding the project some how. So, it is critical to get the PP done on this wednesday.

Any inputs appreciated.....

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Thanks for the explaination and as far PP stamping goes, I\'d say "No Harn in Trying".

Good Luck
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I would say go and try it. I have read on this board that a few got pp stamped with courtsey copy.

Good luck.
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My lawyer just now called me and informed he received the original. I may not receive it before I go because I am going for PP stamping tomorrow to Newark.

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Passport Stamped in Newark today.

Guys!!! I got the passport stamped today.

My Experience:

We arrived in Newark INS office at 7:30 AM. There is a parking infront of the building.

We found that there were two lines PP stamping. So, We joined in a line which is behind the building.

At 8.00 AM they started letting people in. Before me there were about 25-30 people. We went to the room 334.

Finally, our turn came at 8:45 AM (45 min wait). In the meantime, the security informed all of us to take all the documents ready. The following are the documents to be kept ready.

1. Courtesy copy of I-485 approval
2. Two Photos.
3. Arrival/Departure Records / I-94
4. EAD cards (all of them)
5. All the AP

Passport is not required at this location. Please make everything neatly taged together since I have noticed lot of people are not prepared for this. (I noticed after the announcement the people are trying to arrange and finding it difficult). At this location, you don\'t require the passport. Keep it in a safe place.

The officer accepted all the above documents and asked us to sign us and also took finger print in a separate form. The form in which you are giving the finger print, please handle it carefully. Please do not fold it( the annoucement they made).

They bundled everything along with the above finger printed form and gave a token. She asked us to proceed and wait in the hall (135) which is just accross.

We were waiting there till 11.00 AM and our turn came and the token number was displayed in the screen. We gave the entire pack to the officer and she took it and verified our address. She stamped the passport and wrote our A# and EAC no and told us that this is a temporary document which is valid for one year from today. She also told me that I can use this to travel and come back to USA. She told me that I will receive the card in 6-10 months period of time. (I don\'t know about this )

The officer was very nice and polite. She was even joking. Today unfortunately there were unpredented crowd since last Wednesday was holiday. I was told by this officer that the line goes around the building and even upto the road accross. So, they have stopped to let the people inside today at newark and told them to come back again later dates.

She also told me that even though the notice says to come only on Wednesday, they accept passport stamping on all days. Nobody knows this and told me to spread the news. So, guys according to this officer, if you have received the courtesy copy you don\'t have to wait for Wednesday to come. People can walk-in on all days. There are about 250 people are waiting behind me, according to this officer.

The officer who stamped my passport was so friendly and finally I thanked her for her patience and informations.

Thats it.....

I am a free bird....

All the above experience is happen to me today at NEwark
