Wow Ganguly, Great Indian Team

Great game... But we need to be more aggressive & smash the opposition

But I cant understand why the specialist bowlers are removed by Ganguly when they remove quick 2-3 wickets. Doesn't Ganguly want to be aggressive. Wont these bowlers get frustrated since they are taken off the attack just when they are hot. You know our Indian Specialist bowlers could be among the top wicket takers this world cup had they bowled thru a few more overs when they were hot. Again why Dinesh mongia's in the Team (is it good luck charm) why not Kumble ... we could be a strong bowling attack that any opposition would fear.
No .. that is not ganguly idea.. he introduced spinners because Kenya had chances do mistakes. Moreover. if we use fast bowlers we cannot complete 25 overs .. I guess because of that ganguly used spinner. As soons as we completed 25 overs he called Zaheer to complete his spell.
gcjinx: Simple reason. With the damage done in the first 15 overs and the clouds creeping in, Ganguly wanted the 25 overs completed. He was even asking the bowlers to rush through with their overs. The article explains the changes in bowling (

Dinesh Mongia is in there just because of superstition, good luck charm and also to not change a winning combination. Bangar and Kumble might have been of better use but Dinesh has taken a few wickets and bowled okay for a stop-gap bowler.
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