Would there be a delay if CP is changed to AOS ?


As most Rapidigmers know, RIS resorted to some cheap trick by doing 140 for CP (whereas they kept saying that CP is not an option for Rapidigmers)and then doing 485 for AOS.
Will this cause any delay in processing compared to regular cases ie. 140 for AOS and 485 for AOS ?
Thanks a lot !
Not a cheap trick

There is no cheap trick involved in this manner of processing. In fact any good lawyer would do this as this keeps all your options open; and, as most of us here are from the software field, we should be able to understand this. I have no connection with this company and have not even heard of this company until I saw postings fly by on this board and the I140 board previously. The negative tone of most of these messages does, however, lead me to believe that this company may not be among the best in the world to work for!

My lawyer also suggested to me that I should do my I140 for CP though I was sure I would be doing an AOS. She was willing to file an I140 for AOS if that was what IO expressly wished for, but she gave me the following reasons for not doing so.

If you decide to change your mind after the 140 is approved, If you mentioned CP on the 140, all you need to do is file the I485, just as you would have done if you had mentioned AOS on your 140.

If you decide to do CP after the 140 is approved, you have to file another application(an I-8xx i do not recall the exact number may be 824) which can take about 6-9 months to process. Also, the INS does not require anything from the Package sent to the NVC for the 485 process(hence the ease of filing for 485 after approval for CP!). The only cases where this does result in a delay is when (inexperienced, perhaps) INS officers look to incorrectly retrieve some document from the package sent to NVC.

So don\'t worry
that is not the case always , it delays unecessarily

My case 140 was for CP, now the file is lying in chennai consulate, INS is waiting for the same, god knows who has to retrive/request for files and what is the actual process. Once NVC receives the file, after some time it will send a request to attroney at record whether to hold the file or forward the file to requested consulate, if the attorney screws up by not responding to the same, 140 file will be thousands of miles away, to top that problem there will be lots of miscommunication. However it does not happen to all the cases, but why give chances for mistakes, when mistakes can happen they will happen with no fault of yours. My case decision is delayed by more than 1 year as per currenct processing dates, what sucks is still we dont have the resolution yet so the stalemate continues.
awatch - Moreover...

....if RIS had any good intention of "keeping the options open", they would have told us that. All they said was "CP is not an option for Rapidigm consultants", even when we asked if they could do CP for us.
But, I do appreciate your detailed reply - Thanks !
you are 100% wrong about RIS, though what you wrote is correct.

Its a cheap trick. If you are in the same boat , you would know. MY I-140 is in Madras now. If they(RIS) have good intention , they would have requested the NVC to hold our I-140. One more thing, they never told us that they are filing I-140 for CP. So please don\'t make a generic statement . I am frustrated with RISSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Question for iamok...

What is your RD/ND? Did you talk to IIO or RIS? What are they saying. Does Rapidigm do this to everybody? Gosh, these people will never have peace of mind.
Would it be a cheap trick ?

If the papers were sent for CP but the company had no intention of doing CP ? Maybe somebody goofed up at RIS. Maybe not.