Worst case, PD=04/99, RD=04/2000, RFE=07/2001,still waiting


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Can anybody tell me about my case? Is it too bad. my detail: EB2, RIR, PD=04/99, RD=04/2000, RFE=07/2001, AVM still 330-380 days. Any advise?
sure for help.

konsu: I\'m sure. I am in such a bad position. I want get help from this board. I check this board very freqence. I never know this kind case. I know i got a bad lucky. I checked AVM on Apr,2001 for RFE. I didn\'t get it. My lawyer called couple times till I wrote a letter by myself to NSC. Finally I got the RFE letter from NSC on Jul, 2001. So far I check AVM every day. Almost everybody on this board said after RFE about within one month you can get approve. I didn\'t see anybody ND=04/2000 still waiting.
Looking for your reply

I did asked my lawyer. If contact the congressman or senator it will help or not? My lawyer said it doesn\'t help. Just waiting. Right now I really run out of my time. How to contact them? I am in IL.
What was your RFE about? Have you spoken to an IIO?

Please call and talk to an IIO at your earliest. A friend of mine had a similar situation when he replied to an RFE and waitied for more than four months. Later, he learned that a second RFE was issued which he never receieved. He didn\'t know about it cuz the AVM didn\'t get updated for the 2nd RFE. He spoke to an IIO who sent him a copy of the second RFE. He was approved a month after talking to the IIO.
Javed, How to contact an IIO?

What does IIO mean..immigration attorney ?
Thanks in advance
no other option but wait

INS does whatever they want. And noone cares if they are effective or not. this does not concern this country\'s general public. I do not think this discussion board can help people like you. because this discussion board is not INS. that is what I meant when I asked my original question. I am also still waiting but not yet for that long. and i am sure chances are i can end up waiting for as long as you have. we all depend on the mercifullness of INS, or its bureaucracy rather...
U have a Company Man

I am also a victim of RFE.
PD - 12/98
RD - 06/00
ND - 07/00
FP - 01/01
RFE - 07/01
RFE Received INS - 08/01
NO Reply after that..Called IIO couple of times..they said its with the officer (On Nov\'01) Still No reply..

Hang on We will get there...

Based on your information provided, is it possible that you filed your case before a visa available for your case? I noticed that you have a PD as 04/99, RD as 04/00. I remember clearly that in Mar 2000, the visa was current, available for all PD EB2 cases. But on Apr 1, 2000, PD was back to 1997. So better check with your competent lawer to consider refiling your case. I saw some cases, filed two or three days ahead of the visa-avialable PD date, also got RFEs, but finally got denied, could not appeal. I noticed that they got suggestions to refile.

Hope this can help.