worried, spouse hasn't received card after stamping at SJC


Registered Users (C)
Both my husband and I got stamped in SJC on 18th Oct. My online message changed three times (4th, 5th, 10th of Nov) and I got my card on 12th Nov. My husband's LUD changed once on 5th Nov. But the message was not changed. He hasn't got his card and there is no update on the status. I am wondering if anybody had similar experience. Should I file an inquiry?
goodlistern said:
Both my husband and I got stamped in SJC on 18th Oct. My online message changed three times (4th, 5th, 10th of Nov) and I got my card on 12th Nov. My husband's LUD changed once on 5th Nov. But the message was not changed. He hasn't got his card and there is no update on the status. I am wondering if anybody had similar experience. Should I file an inquiry?

Give other forum members a break - especially when most of the forum members are waiting for their approvals.

Normally it takes 6 weeks to get card. You did not even cross that timeframe after stamping. Still "worried"???

You can do enquiry if you don't receive your card within 2 months (that means 18th December).
Actually you need to wait at least 6 months before to start an enquiry..... you should relax!

Me and my wife got stamped on Oct 27 - my wife got her card but mine is not even ordered... it will come when it is ready.... getting the plastic card should not be a worrying factor.... stamping is good enough for changing jobs or travellling.....
Same here , but in my case my wife and I did ADIT stamping on July 9th 2004 and my wife received the card in 83 days. I haven't received yet.

The theory of six months does not make sense. I know of at 6 different People who have stamped after me and have received their card in less than 4 weeks.

On other hand USCIS website also mentiones,
"If you were granted permanent resident status or entered the U.S. with an immigrant visa more than 60 days ago and have not received your first permanent resident card, please call 1-800-375-5283" .

The only thing one can do is initiate a status enquiry with NSC and wait for any response from USCIS. If not heard back, then initiate a 2nd Enquiry.. wait for 30 days..and so on.. forever (until you receive you Plastic card).


How many inquiries have you done so far? Have you got the card yet? My husband called USCIS today and was told to sent the inquiry form G731C. We are going to do that. The form is confusing. Should I only do page2 and ignor page1? Would you please share more of your experience?
I just got my PP stamp yesterday, and the officer said that although cards are arriving in about 2 months these days, he still has to tell me it takes about 6 months to get the card in the mail. Give it some more time, they don't all have to arrive at the same time.
goodlistern said:

How many inquiries have you done so far? Have you got the card yet? My husband called USCIS today and was told to sent the inquiry form G731C. We are going to do that. The form is confusing. Should I only do page2 and ignor page1? Would you please share more of your experience?

I have been waiting for more than 6 months now. I got my PP stamped at Charlotte, NC. I sent 3 G-731C to CSC. I sent them only page1. I finally got a reply to the third one. The CSC said that they don't have any record of me getting my PP stamped and they asked me to go Charlotte again for the stamping. It seems that my paper work got lost somewhere either in Charlotte or in CSC. I plan to go for stamping next month.

Wait for 60 days and initiate an inquiry

"If you were granted permanent resident status or entered the U.S. with an immigrant visa more than 60 days ago and have not received your first permanent resident card, please call 1-800-375-5283"

Rajma followed the correct procedure for cases like this, calling the 1-800 number is useless in this case. You're supposed to wait 6 months, and if the card has not arrived yet you send a G-731, "Inquiry About Status of I-551, Alien Registration Card"